When Bob Olson interviewed Dr. Eben Alexander, lll on www.afterlifetv.com my eyes and ears were glued to my little iPad listening to him eloquently tell of a most unusual NDE – the way it all happened – and what occurred after. I don’t want to spoil it for you by telling too much of the story. Besides the story is far better told by the person who had the life-changing event. And it just so happens that Dr. alexander makes listening easy on the ears, and this is important because there’s a great deal to assimilate. During the interview with Bob Olson, Dr. Alexander talks about, among other things: the brain, higher soul, prayer, infinite love, the voice in our head, earth life, the Creator, butterflies (a beautiful story), evil and free will, belief, Om, divine plan, true reason for being here.
He was a different person before his NDE. This seems to be the case with just about everyone who experiences a NDE. If you visit afterlifetv and give your attention to Dr. Alexander’s words, you might feel like a different person, too.
Of course, there will always be the naysayers; they make life interesting. They say, still there is no real proof. Well, there are those things in this world that are based solely on belief. It’s a personal journey we all have to take, and, as with most things, it’s our choice to believe or not. We have only to listen deep within ourselves to know. And when we train ourselves to listen to the other parts of ourselves, we’ll know.
“For a deeper understanding” you might want to visit the following websites: www.eternea.org and www.lifebeyonddeath.net
And take a peek, or read, The New York Times bestseller: Proof of Heaven
Are you having an extraordinary day? 🌷
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“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
– Shakespeare