Have you ever made your own lobster sushi rolls… from a living lobster?

This past year, one of the most memorable nights I had was held by a New York City experience company called Sidetour. It was called: Crack the Japanese Food Making Code with a Lobster Lesson
the meal! at misa cropped

The experience was led by a lovely, charming Misako Sassa. (A chef who, coincidentally, when I mentioned the cooking class to my roommate, was actually in a column she had fastened to our fridge from Chopsticks NY Magazine.)

liz with misa article


Misako (or Misa) floated around the open New York City space, showing us the best way to de-pit an avocado, teaching us about the perfect kind of rice that she specially orders, and letting us learn as she fanned the rice to the perfect temperature for use. We learned about how to quickly blanche the lobster meat, and put just enough cucumber and rice on the nori sheets, so that it would roll smoothly, and still taste full of fresh flavors. But, I’m actually leaving out the best part…

misa fanning rice

The beginning of the lesson started with our cooking stations set up in front of us. Clean mats, towels, knives, and a bowl of moving, living lobsters.

Since we were making the freshest possible kind of lobster without the use of hot water, something had to be done, we had to kill them ourselves first.

Now, this might sound impossible (or easy, I guess it depends on who you are!). I felt game to jump in, but became a little bit of a wimp while holding the lobster belly in my hands – it moved while I was trying to pinpoint the exact spot where I was supposed to give a quick jab with the knife. But as soon as Misa saw my hesitation, she gave a great quick example. Once you see this petite, delightful woman handle a lobster with speedy, dexterous craftsmanship, you feel a lot less able to wimp out, and much more empowered to seize control and finish the job!

The rice Misa had selected tasted nothing like what you’ll usually find in any ordinary sushi place (or even the places that are always packed on weekend nights). It had a multi-layered rush of flavors, nutty, sweet, and satisfying, and hard to forget. She made the miso soup with the heads of the lobsters for flavoring, and it was the most delicious miso soup I remember having in a long time. And the lobster rolls, which all the guests rolled, were unbelievable. I had wondered if I would feel a twinge of regret participating in the end of the lobsters life, and then eating it, but, as my friends and I had discussed that week, it’s really a much more honest and authentic way to come to the table. And it was delicious! I am really looking forward to getting a few of my friends together and doing this again very soon…

the sushi! cropped

Autism Awareness Month

Today kicked off Autism Awareness Month. While this issue continues to grow and affect families globally it is also getting the attention and focus necessary to at least try and keep pace with the huge number of people touched by this disorder. There are still many people slipping through the cracks and in need of help.The resources being put into the fight against autism are finally getting in line with the scope of this ‘problem’. However until there is some progress in being able to clearly identify the culprits it will never be enough and the battle will continue with many determined and good people fighting the good fight.

Educate yourself about this issue and see what you can do to help on a local level.


Autism Speaks

your soul’s plan by robert schwartz


It was rather late last night when I clicked on to www.afterlifetv.com and found a video in which Bob Olson is interviewing Robert Schwartz, the writer of Your Soul’s Plan. There are two videos, and it may be wise to listen to the first one first. I saw the title of the book, and read what Bob Olson wrote about its author’s biography, and thought, why not? After that, it didn’t take long before I was nicely settled in and glued to the screen watching, listening, learning – the concept of pre-birth planning is hardly new. Though when Robert Schwartz began digging for the answers to questions that wouldn’t let him rest, he wasn’t expecting the kind of answers that his tireless delving uncovered. Listening to him talk about pre-birth planning seemed natural, and a part of me understood, and was in complete agreement about what he was saying from the get-go. Last night I went to sleep with a big smile covering my entire body. Oh, yes.

It’s fair to say that many of us have many questions about life on earth. The thing is that I haven’t heard life on earth explained in quite this way before. The answers to the questions asked by Bob Olson of Robert Schwartz don’t necessarily veer from what we know; they just seem to profoundly enhance what we know. And it all makes perfect sense. Now, there are a number of very good self-improvement and spiritual books, and videos that, when read or listened to, have you thinking, yes, yes, I understand now. And then a week later you barely remember any of it.

I feel this is different. I could give you a synopsis of the video, but it’s so much better to hear Robert Schwartz’s own words. He speaks articulately, and he has a desire to help us understand so that we can help ourselves, and others, heal and evolve. There’s no need for me to try to explain what he does so beautifully. The following is his website, enjoy. www.yoursoulsplan.com

I hope you thoroughly enjoy it.

Have a wonderful day!

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“If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
From the book: Enough Already by Alan Cohen

“I am convinced all of humanity is born with more gifts than we know, most are born geniuses and just get de-geniused rapidly.”
– Buckminster Fuller
From the book: Enough Already by Alan Cohen

“proof of heaven: a neurosurgeon’s journey into the afterlife with dr. eben alexander, III”


When Bob Olson interviewed Dr. Eben Alexander, lll on www.afterlifetv.com my eyes and ears were glued to my little iPad listening to him eloquently tell of a most unusual NDE – the way it all happened – and what occurred after. I don’t want to spoil it for you by telling too much of the story. Besides the story is far better told by the person who had the life-changing event. And it just so happens that Dr. alexander makes listening easy on the ears, and this is important because there’s a great deal to assimilate. During the interview with Bob Olson, Dr. Alexander talks about, among other things: the brain, higher soul, prayer, infinite love, the voice in our head, earth life, the Creator, butterflies (a beautiful story), evil and free will, belief, Om, divine plan, true reason for being here.

He was a different person before his NDE. This seems to be the case with just about everyone who experiences a NDE. If you visit afterlifetv and give your attention to Dr. Alexander’s words, you might feel like a different person, too.

Of course, there will always be the naysayers; they make life interesting. They say, still there is no real proof. Well, there are those things in this world that are based solely on belief. It’s a personal journey we all have to take, and, as with most things, it’s our choice to believe or not. We have only to listen deep within ourselves to know. And when we train ourselves to listen to the other parts of ourselves, we’ll know.

“For a deeper understanding” you might want to visit the following websites: www.eternea.org and www.lifebeyonddeath.net
And take a peek, or read, The New York Times bestseller: Proof of Heaven

Are you having an extraordinary day?  🌷

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“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
– Shakespeare

an evening at whole foods with stephanie

Stephanie at Whole Foods Short Pump
It was the first week in January and I was visiting family – Michael, Alicia, Sebastian, and Clover – in Richmond, Virginia. Alicia had, very happily, just begun the CLEAN program by Dr. Alejandro Junger (for the third time), and was busy juicing and planning her meals. If you haven’t done CLEAN you might want to consider it. It’s a gift you give yourself – when you’re ready. www.cleanprogram.com

We, Michael and I, were not ready yet (although the first time doing the CLEAN program brought wonderful results), and so out of the blue Michael decided to check out the Whole Foods website, and saw that an evening discussion about the benefits of detoxing was scheduled in a few days, with a person named Stephanie. Sounds good, we thought. The first time that I went to the Whole Foods store in Richmond I was surprised at how BIG it is. There is no bumping of carts, or stepping aside to let another pass as in Philadelphia. And that’s okay; the two stores in Philly have all that’s needed.

The day came, and we’re at Whole Foods with a nice group ready to begin the evening’s session. Stephanie began, and, as she spoke, it was obvious that the session was going to be a good one. She gave us print outs; there was a lot of information on those pages. In the course of the evening, a book, The Seven Day Liver Detox, was highly recommended, and a superfood product called AmaZING Grass was passed around for all to taste. We were around ten people, and every question asked was thoroughly answered. Yes, indeed, Stephanie was familiar with the topic, and because she had an appreciation of the power of detoxing, she spoke enthusiastically about the subject with experience backing her up. On top of that, she had a wonderful smile.

We all left the session with a Whole Foods bag of goodies, and lots of food for thought. Before leaving the store, we wanted to buy some of that nutritious, delicious AmaZING Grass. www.amazinggrass.com But . . . it was sold out. AmaZING Grass is a company started by two men who are passionate about growing organic ingredients, and selling a superior product.

Also, I want to say that the movie The Beautiful Truth was heartily recommended.

20130223-140948.jpg I recommend it too.

All in all, it was a good evening. I hope yours was, too.


a quote

“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.” – Steve Jobs,
Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference, 1997

The above quote is taken from:




Hello, my name is Frances, and I’m usually the one posting on this blog. It’s been interesting, fun, and totally enjoyable. Now it’s time to add some new creative writers and bloggers to the mix. Michael is the newest edition to favorito.com (he’s been here, but in the background), and soon he’ll begin posting. He’s creative, has a dry sense of humor, and perceives life in, well, you’ll see. I’m betting he’ll write in a loosey-goosey (relaxed, calm, unperturbed) fashion because that’s usually his style. But people change, and one never knows what will appear when fingers are placed on a keyboard – to have no rules and to simply write is pure delight. These are amazing times; all kinds of information just about falls at our feet. And so, we’ll continue exploring and entertaining through writings, photos, and videos.

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“Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success.”
– Albert Schweitzer, 20th century Nobel Peace Prize Winning Medical Missionary and Philosopher
(taken from The Power by Rhonda Byrne)

Silent Power by Stuart Wilde

Silent Power by Stuart Wilde
Silent Power by Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde is still one of the great modern day metaphysical communicators. If you have not read any of his books, seen his videos or watched him speak and teach he is someone to check out. His content continues to penetrate the new media market via web browsers worldwide and reach millions of people around the globe searching for answers and peace. www.stuartwilde.com



pickles anyone?


This is Shamus Jones. My daughter Sumi took this picture when we were meandering around Park Slope one lovely summer day in 2012, and happened upon a blackboard in front of a factory. After reading it, Sumi and I glanced at each other, and eagerly entered Brooklyn Brine Co., and saw fragrant, spicy, and beautifully scented pickles. Now there are many, many excellent small specialty shops in Park Slope, and somehow there’s always great interest when another one appears. I say appears because that’s the way it seems. You walk down a street and suddenly there’s a new shop – pies, dumplings, the best cheeses, cafes, bistros, coffee you’ll go out of your way to sip, pizzas having the best ingredients and made with love, small ethnic restaurants, etc. that weren’t there a short time ago, and the mind thinks of great eating possibilities – as with Shamus’ pickle factory. Watch the videos at www.brooklynbrineco.com and you’ll see what I mean; listen to Shamus talk about, well, pickles, and that it all began out of necessity when he was laid off from a job. Watch how the “pickle nerds” work, learn how to make homemade dill pickles. Ordinarily one doesn’t get so excited when talking about pickles, though when you check it out, you’ll see that Brooklyn Brine is no ordinary pickle factory. And to boot, the “pickle nerds” seem to enjoy what they do.

Shamus shows us what can happen when necessity is the driving force.

Welcome To 2013!

Happy New Year friends & visitors. I hope you are as excited about 2013 as I am! There is something incredibly special about entering a new year and it is important to remember that the possibilities for change are endless. It’s up to you, so what’s it going to be? How is this going to be your best year ever?!

As far as favorito.com we are gearing up for what will be a year of growth and change… New writers added, a new look and awesome video and pictorial content are on the horizon. We would also love love love to hear from you our readers. Have something to share? A written piece? A photo or video? A cool link? We will be adding contact forms for submissions and suggestions.

Lastly I would like to thank all of you who have visited and supported favorito.com through the years. We are grateful and humbled by the amount of traffic favorito.com has received since starting out. We can’t wait to blow you away in 2013 as we continue this fun interactive journey together.



P.S. I love finding cool and interesting sites online. What could you come up with to make some $$$ in the next 24 hours? eh?