I can’t eat lentil soup-can’t even think about it anymore. Have you ever overdone a food item and thinking about it brings on that no thank you feeling, followed by a little queasiness? Once upon a time I savored that soup. It remains popular. Every so often I see a picture of a big steaming bowl of it in a magazine-even in a magazine where you’d least expect it to be. But lentil soup and I have had it. We’re finished, for now.
The good part is that I’ve found something to take its place. It’s split pea soup. Is any soup easier to prepare than this one? My French Canadian mother prepared it early in the morning using salt pork or a ham bone. The smell wafted through the house. She was an early bird, and before anyone was up in the morning she was immersed in setting the ingredients out for upside down pineapple cheesecake, apple pie, and a favorite soup. And when those wonderful smells brought the household to attention she began preparing delicious delicate crepes.
Dried peas have a big taste all their own. It seems to me that no matter what ingredients are added, that distinct pea taste is at the forefront. The pea soup I prepare has these ingredients:
dried split peas-2 cups, pickd over for tiny stones, then rinsed6
onions-1 1/2 cups, chopped
garlic-6, chopped, if you like garlic, go for it!
ginger-2 tablespoons, grated
cloves-6 whole or ground to taste
carrots-1 1/2 cups, sliced
potatoes-2 or 3, chopped (optional)
salt-Celtic, to taste (optional)
pepper-to taste (optional)
water-2 quarts, or more
Place all ingredients in a heavy pot, bring to a boil, cover and simmer. Perhaps for 2 hours, longer if you like a thick saucy consistency. Can be cooked in a crock pot, too.
Ingredients can be increased, decreased, eliminated, other ingredients added, different spices. Dried peas, onions, garlic, water are the basics. Have fun, prepare it with love and savor.