living luminaries, the movie

If you want a change of pace from the nightly negative news; and from movies filled with violence and gore; and video games of the same ilk, then you just might enjoy the movie Living Luminaries. It suggests another way of living in the world, and explains simply how this can be achieved. The gist of the movie is that actor Sean Mulvihill, also one of the writers and producers, is seeking a way to happiness. He travels far and wide talking to those who have found their happiness, and are teaching others who want what they have. In the movie these well-known people talk openly about what they’ve found to be happiness, and how to attain it.

We need a balance for all of the negativity, and once we see the balance we can see more clearly where the negativity is going, and how it’s affecting us and the world. And once we see that we can ask ourselves why would we stand for it. Because there is a gentler, kinder, more loving, more open, beautiful, and peaceful way to live, if we want it. Imagine that!

Living Luminaries can be viewed online at

manly p. hall

Recently I read The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall. It’s not the kind of book you can breeze through, and if you read it before bedtime, you might find yourself awake in the wee hours of the morning – wondering. He offered the book to humanity by these words: “This book is dedicated to the Rational Soul of the World.” Manly P. Hall was called a teacher, a sage, a mystic, a scholar. In The Secret Teachings he discusses Ancient Teachings, Ancient Mysteries, Ancient Philsophers, Secret Societies, how they came to be, how they operated, and what became of them, The Qabbalah, Symbolism, The Cryptogram, Islam faith, Mystic Christianity, Bacon, Shakspere, and the Rosierucians, American Indian Symbolism, and more.

After reading the last inspiring chapter of the book, I searched the web hoping to find a site that discusses the book and the author. It wasn’t difficult. Here is what one had to say: “. . . To read Hall’s work is to experience a readerly joy rarely associated with ordinary compendiums of wisdom. Its depth, breadth, and detail are, simply put, not ordinary, and not easily understood.” And he continues: “But this much is clear; readers who discover The Secret Teachings of All Ages for the first time today will encounter a book probably unlike any they have seen before. The accomplishment of the Secret Teachings, in part, is that it may be the only serious compendium of the last several hundred years that takes the world of myth and symbol on its own terms.”

Indeed, and I thought that even though it’s “not easily understood” there’s a wanting to stay with it and continue reading, and to read it again. Manly P. Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society in 1934.

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“To avoid a future of war, crime, and bankruptcy, the individual must begin to plan his own destiny and the best source of the necessary information comes down to us through the writings of the ancients.” – Manly P. Hall

a decision

A French politician, Justice Minister Rachida Dati, returned to work days after the birth of her baby. Some people are up in arms about her decision. What’s with all the comparisons? The answer I bet is more complex than we think, and it’s probably personal for those with opinions about this. So I’m guessing it has nothing to do with Rachida Dati, or her baby. Seriously her decision was hers to make. We’re all wired differently. This decision might be a piece of cake for her, for another, impossible. It’s not good; it’s not bad – it’s just the way things are. Minding our own business when things don’t concern us, would allow for a more harmonious world.

eckhart tolle

The title of The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle says it all, and the contents of the book is priceless. For starts, it can change one’s ideas about how things are, or ought to be, and take one on the ride of one’s life. It tends to turn one’s thoughts around and around, and get one to agree that, -okay, that’s true; that way is not working for me. I have to do what? All right, if that’s what it takes to stop the misery, I’m on board. And little by little, thoughts and opinions about the past, present, and future, about relationships, about the way the mind is used – the thinking and doing that doesn’t work, and yet has a stranglehold on one’s life, get chiseled away.

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle has sold over 6 million copies. And what a book it is. The book grabs hold of one’s being – if one let’s it, and if one is not compelled to ask the why of everything when reading it. The meaning of the words will eventually find a place in one’s consciousness, and then a place in one’s outer life.

I’ve noticed that A New Earth is not a book one can give as a gift, I suppose that’s true for The Power of Now, too. That’s been my experience. Well, one can give it, but… A New Earth can’t be a blind date, a person has to chose it for themselves, or the giver will most likely see it untouched, or used as a coaster, or maybe taken out when “they” know you’re coming. The best time for someone to read The Power of Now, or A New Earth, or any book of a spiritual nature, is determined by the one who will be reading it. That makes perfect sense.


Zeitgeist – noun, German, the spirit of the times; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time. Based on the Random House Dictionary

Books have been written about this material age. Now there’s a movie, Zeitgeist. A lot of people have watched it. There are parts of Zeitgeist that offend some, and there are parts that people agree with. Watching Zeitgeist helps us understand the world we live in.

The Energy that created the world – the sunsets, the mountains, the oceans, the rivers, the lakes, the ponds, the valleys, the hills, nature in all its stunning beauty which we’re a part of – didn’t create it for just a few to enjoy, and didn’t create it for just a few to control.

Somehow though we weren’t paying attention and got caught up in stuff – stuff for our amusement, stuff for our bodies, stuff for our homes, we wanted the latest this and the latest that, and as paying credit cards for all the stuff got more difficult, we failed to notice that a few were/are controlling the planet’s resources, that a few were/are making rules and regulations, that a few were/are destroying the earth’s natural resources that are not theirs to tamper with in such a way.

Perhaps now is the time to think about the world as we’ve never done before – to not give ourselves over to things that disempower us and make us fearful, to ignore the nonsense that’s placed before us in the form of “celebrity” worship, to think twice before using scary prescription drugs, to relinquish some of our adult toys, and hours and hours spent on tech stuff, and hours spent watching tv, and to quit wanting and buying a new this and a new that when the “old” is barely out of its box.

Is it time to begin the search for the real power that’s built into our beings? Is now the time to reach out in service to others and to the world? Is it time to figure out how to correct the gross imbalances on the planet which is being overrun with pollutants of many kinds – in our soil, food, water, fish, animals, air, homes, and in our bodies? The list is a long one. The good news is that there’s always a starting point for change and the time is always right.. and

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“The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it.” -Marcus Aurelius

“What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful.” -His Holiness The Dalai Lama

a millionaire

One evening in December while wrapping you know what, I watched a show about a millionaire. I don’t know the name of the show. He talked about his possessions – a beautiful big house, cars, planes, property in different parts of the world, parties, friends, etc. – very nice. Now he’s going to a run-down part of a designated city where for one week he’ll masquerade as a poor and needy man. In the process, he’ll work because he’ll have only minimum money for rent and food, and he’ll volunteer and connect with those people who spend their days helping others. By the end of the show, a few of the people he meets will have a check in hand.

The manager of the dirty and dingy motel where the millionaire is staying gives him a cleaning job and helps him locate places to do volunteer work. And so he introduces himself to a woman whose home is open 24-hours a day to anyone in need, and whose pantry is stocked with food for others. Her own life was difficult; she had a child at 13, spent time in and out of prison, and now devotes her life to service. Her eyes were radiant as she spoke about what she does. It’s obvious she has a lot of love and compassion.

And the millionaire introduces himself to a woman and her assistant who have opened their hearts to young people who would be on the streets otherwise. They provide food, donated clothes, skills, computers to help them find jobs, and they provide hope. They too come from love and compassion.

And the millionaire introduces himself to a young, very confident skateboarder, and talks extensively with him. And though he’s in a wheelchair, the skateboarder’s not going to let that stop him in life. His dream is to start a business.

As time goes by the millionaire appears to be in a state of shock. He cries, he meets things in his bed he’s never met before – cockroaches – and is appalled. Finally, he has to call his brother to come lend support.

Now it’s day six and the millionaire has to decide who will receive a check from him and how much it will be. After a sleepless night, a decision is made. He reintroduces himself to the three people mentioned above, and, as it turns out, he gives each of them a check. Are they happy? Oh, yes.

Everyone needs a helping hand every so often. It’s been said that the one who gives gets also. It does seem to be that way. Perhaps the millionaire will return to his life with a grateful heart, and the people he touched will continue to touch others.

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Once a press reporter asked Amma how was it possible for her to embrace each and every one in the same loving way, even if they were diseased or unpleasant. Amma replied, “When a bee hovers over a garden of varied flowers, what it beholds is not the difference between the flowers, but the honey within them. Similarly Amma sees the same Supreme Self in each and every one.” – As Dr. Jane Goodall, while presenting Amma with the 2002 Gandhi-King Award for non-violence said, “She stands here in front of us, God’s love in a human body.

The Master Cleanse Experience… aka Lemonade Diet

Well it has been sometime since I have blogged, before the birth of our second baby, Clover Alessandra. This topic, however, has to be blogged about. I started the Master Cleanse diet this past Monday, January 29th, 2008. It is a 10 day(min) fast where you only consume liquids consisting of a lemonade concoction and then do a herbal laxative tea in the morning and evening. I completed this fast once January 2007 with my mother-in-law, Fran. 

What drove me to even consider this craziness was that I was at my wits end with the lack of weightloss from having my first baby, Sebastian. I packed on a hefty 50 lbs with him and had 40 lbs to lose after the baby. I managed to wittle away at it but by the holidays (6months) later I was still 10 lbs heavier and at a plateau. I saw the footage on Oprah about Beyonce Knowles doing the fast to lose weight for her role in “DreamGirls” I thought to myself… I can do that! So when I saw the family at Christmas I mentioned it to Fran and low and behold, she had the actual orginal book The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs.   I was shocked! Apparently she had the book and had always wanted to do the fast but never got around to it.  So it was ON! We decided to start and complete the fast together beginning the new year. 

It was a really tough first few days and I almost quit so many times. It was amazing the need to chew something was what I felt and I just felt like I had the flu. Apparently these are all detox symptoms. At the end of the fast I was a pleasant 12 lbs lighter and had so much energy and umpf that I was so happy I had completed the fast no matter how tough it had been.

This is why I am here again going through the same fast. This time I had more to lose since I started at a higher starting weight. I figure it will get me going down the right path and help me restart my system. Oddly though, this time the fast has not been as arduous. It has actually been quite easy.  I was prepared for the worst on day 2 and day 3 and that never came. I am currently on day 6 and toward the end of the day at that.  One side effect I am experiencing that I also had last time is the “coldies”. You just freaking feel cold all the time. I guess the lack of solid food and also it being winter time doesn’t help. Besides that everything else, including the cravings are manageable. Last time I was obsessed with watching the Food Network and looking at cookbook recipes. Weird even though I couldn’t eat anything just looking at it made me feel better and closer to food. I am planning to go to day 10, but have been contemplating continuing on for 4 more days to make it a full 2 weeks.

I have been looking at message boards which are really helpful during this time. It is always nice to know there are others going through what you are going through. With that being said, it is definitely easier to do this with someone than alone. Also I had the benefit of having this week off of work. So I will only be at work for 3 days if I complete the 10 day fast instead of the 14 day one. The worst days are also in the beginning.

So right now my sense of smell is like superhero sense of smell. I guess since I am not eating it has instensified my other senses. It’s really odd to smell everything so intensely but at the same time really great. I am also just starting to get the energy high that comes with this fast toward the end. I have also managed to mantain working out. I have gone twice now and plan to go and do a weightlifting class tomorrow.

One thing I did differently this time was I drank a lot more water in between my lemonade drinks. I think that really helped me feel so much better and I am glad I figured that out. Also having two little ones keeps me really busy and my mind off of the whole food thing. It is truly amazing how much time you have when you don’t mess with food. You have a lot of free time to read and do things you usually don’t have time for. For me though with the kids I am just spending more time with them.

So another hard thing is watching your loved ones eat in front of you. Michael has been eating pizza, chinese food, pasta, etc.  It’s tough but I just tell myself that I can’t do it and I am too close now to the end to stop this. I know once I am done I will feel like a million bucks just like last time. Also hopefully a good 15 lbs lighter. Currently I have lost 8 1/2 lbs as of this morning weigh in. It is really motivating to see that scale go down everyday! My plan after the fast is really stay away from all the bad foods and eat a more clean diet and continue my vigorous exercising… I am addicted to the working out part!

So to anyone that wants to try this diet… DO IT! Just commit and do it and I promise you will be truly amazed at how you feel and how you look! 

winters in new england

New England’s 2007/2008 winter was one most New Englanders would like to forget. Shoveling rooftops, driveways, and sidewalks over and over again, hearing about roofs caving in, and broken bones from falls was no picnic. Now winter 2008/2009 came with a bang in the form of an ice storm. Last week my sister and her family woke to 55 degrees in their home in New Hampshire with no electricity and no water. Thousands of people were/are without power.

Children, however, always manage to have fun during snowstorms, and in the coldest of winters. I remember the New Hampshire of my childhood. We skated on Nuts Pond, and slid down neighborhood hills for hours, returning home completely soaked, mittens dripping wet, and still on our hands. Huge icicles on buildings were pulled off and enjoyed, and the snow never melted all winter long. I guess we didn’t notice the cold and wet because having fun was more important.

More recently New England has had mild winters with barely any snow. Skiing wasn’t what it used to be. But it seems New England winters are back in full force. I think I’m going to get a lot of emails from family and friends in the north about the weather. It’s just a guess, but maybe writing about the cold and snow makes them feel warm. It makes me feel cold just reading them. I heard someone say that the Farmer’s Almanac wrote that it’s going to be a very cold winter. Shhh! Don’t tell this to those in the northeast. I hope they have enough wood for the fireplace, and well, maybe they can have shoveling parties. Got to make it work somehow, otherwise, it gets to be a bit much. As a man in Maine said when interviewed about the power outage, “I’m already sick of winter, and it hasn’t started yet.”

the holidays, they are coming

The few weeks before Christmas is an interesting time of year – planning, shopping, buying, partying, praying, cooking, helping, wondering, hoping, singing, decorating, traveling, eating, drinking, – with urgings to celebrate Christmas and the New Year in a big way. Our cities, towns, villages are alive with brightly colored advertisements, merry music, santa, shoppers carrying bags of gifts. It’s a tricky time of year in that getting caught up in spending can happen in a flash. It’s hard to ignore the joy of it all.

However, not being over our heads in credit card bills from holiday spending is a beautiful way to live, and a great way to begin a new year. That means we have to be creative in how we celebrate the holidays. They’ll be a lot more joy in our hearts if bills are not weighing us down. We just need an open heart, a smile, a little imagination, and a readiness to do things differently.

Also, there’s this wonderful word called gratitude; it’s written about a lot lately. I’m sure there have always been people who daily express gratitude in the silence of their hearts. Though now it’s become a way of life for many. Maybe it’s because we see so many who lose so much so suddenly, or maybe it’s because we see so many who have so much wanting so much more. It can get complicated, if we let it. Gratitude, simplicity, balance, staying in tune with our hearts, can give us the true meaning of the holidays. Otherwise, you know, it can get crazy, if we let it.
So, can we say this about the holidays, if you’ve got it, this is a great time to flaunt it; if you don’t, why would you.

Riches are not from abundance of wordly goods, but from a contented mind. – Mohammed

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank You,” that would suffice.
– Meister Eckhart

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden
because of their simplicity and familiarity. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

a family

I saw a video of Dong Yun Yoon as he talked about the jet that crashed into his house in San Diego killing his wife, two daughters, Grace 15 months and Rachel 2 months, and mother-in-law Suk Im Kim who came from South Korea to help with the baby and help them move into their new house that was destroyed. It was difficult to watch and not cry.

A neighbor and retired photographer saw Dong Yun Yoon say goodbye to his wife and baby as he left for work that morning, and said, “I saw their last kiss. I thought, what a beautiful sight, and then later in the day they were just gone.'”

His words are of forgiveness. He blames no one; he only pleaded for someone to tell him how to cope after losing his family. May he somehow find a way. Come to think of it, forgiveness is a huge steppingstone toward healing, it seems he already has found a way.