about us . . .

What do we do without access to our own guru, mentor, or someone capable of bringing us to a higher level of understanding? Well, if we steadily put our attention on the right ones, books can be great guides.

It’s been written in these books that we’re all the creators of our own life, although most of us are not conscious of this, blame outside forces, and take little or no responsibility for things that happen to us. We think it’s so easy this way, although we’re not even conscious that that’s what we’re thinking.

And then there’s a small group of people who have a gut feeling, an almost overpowering feeling, that what is is far different than what could be. And this overwhelming gut feeling spurs them on. They willingly take the bull by the horns, so to speak. and, step-by-step, harness the patience and effort, and whatever else it takes, to change the way they see the world, to change the thoughts they think moment-to-moment about themselves and everyone else, and ultimately establish a new way of consciously living in the world. Again and again we’re reminded by these people that we’re all capable of doing what they’ve done. In fact, evolving is what we’re supposed to be doing, and therefore, we’re more than capable of getting ourselves from unconscious to conscious living. Nice, right?

Walk around city streets and it’s obvious that the majority of people are not too happy with. . . . Name anything and it’ll most likely fit the rest of the sentence. One area of distress is the physical body, lack of energy, irritable bowel syndrome, all kinds of allergies, anxiety, autoimmune disorders, bloating, constipation, body odor, cancer, diabetes, diahhrea, eczema, fibromyalgia, heart disease, joint pain, toxic overload, stress, thyroid dysfunction, and more.

Okay, I’ve taken the above from the index of the book CLEAN by Alejandro Junger because, in the clearest and most interesting of ways, he addresses humankind’s health problems. CLEAN is wonderfully enlightening, and I”m kept busy underlining and trying to take it all in before beginning the three-week detox program. Anyone suffering in any way – mentally, emotionally, physically, soul hungry – CLEAN addresses just about every human distress. Not ready to detox? – read the book, plant the seeds, learn and absorb – for now.
The following websites are from the book:

Most of us can use an injection of instant enthusiasm, right? Reading the book The Mother of Invention by Neale Donald Walsch just about guarantees that we’ll get it. The back jacket of the book reads: “A biography unlike any other, The Mother of Invention tells the story of every human being now on the earth . . . through the telling of the life story of futurist and visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard. We are all moving through the same process, the book and it’s subject declare, it is the process of the birthing of our species.” this is not just any biography. You’ll see, if you decide to read it.
More wonderful websites:

Enjoy a lovely day.


the storm before the calm, a book

Are you tuned into those people who are saying that it’s time for humanity to reinvent itself? The key’s in the lock, turning ever so slightly, waiting for each one of us to join, to play our part in the building of momentum. All thoughts in sync so that together we can change the old, which is not serving us or Planet Earth, for a way that allows mankind and Planet Earth to evolve as they were meant to, without the constraints that have held mankind in check for so long.

Many thought that the world was coming to an end; many others thought that “the end” meant life as we now know it. Evidence suggests the gloom and doom end of existence wasn’t quite configured correctly, and in the place of that idea is a belief that humanity is on the brink, has a good chance of, let’s say . . . changing.

That brings us to Neale Donald Walsch, who, if we are ready and willing to become part of this happening, is ready and willing to show us a way. Actually, when you look around at what’s going on in the world, we’ve absolutely nothing to lose.
First this website:
And then:
www.theglobalconversation.com click on the icon, The Storm Before the Calm

There has to be a better way.


kripalu meditation and yogaIf you haven’t been to Kripalu, you’re in for an absolutely delightful body mind spirit treat. I’ve been looking, page after page, at Kripalu’s spring 2012 catalog, and noting the rich listing of eager teachers, many of them are easily recognizable; they have solid reputations. They are very good at what thet do, which makes the catalog an exciting one. Additionally, Kripalu is situated in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts; beauty is everywhere.

How to choose from all the wonderful workshops listed? – that is the question.

Let’s look at a few. On page 25 the course description reads, Freedom-Style Yoga taught by Erich Schiffmann. “Erich Schiffmann is a one-of-kind teacher in the American yoga world. His unique Freedom-Style Yoga offers an intuitive approach to yoga as the art of living.”

On page 30 is Getting High: Yoga, Meditation, and the Infinite Pharmacy Within with Tommy Rosen. He “is a certified vinyasa flow and Kundalini Yoga teacher and a leading authority on addiction and recovery with 20 years experience helping others overcome addictions of every kind.”

On page 73 we come to The Radical Heart of Buddhism with Noah Levine. It reads: “Learn to develop a greater sense of care for yourself and the world we share through the revolutionary spiritual practices of the Buddhist tradition of overcoming hatred with love, fear with faith, ignorance with understanding, and greed with generosity.”

On page 74 is The Blood Sugar Solution: An UltraHealthy Program to Lose Weight, Reverse Diabetes, and Feel Great with Mark Hyman. “Mark Hyman has dedicated his career to identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic illness through a groundbreaking whole-systems approach known as functional medicine.”

There’s Deborah King, “Explore the heart of healing with one of today’s foremost master healers. www.deborahkingcenter.com

On page 88 is Living the Evolutionary Life: Through Death, Beyond, and Reincarnation with Robert Thurman and Dechen Thurman.

The spring catalogue seems better than ever, and whatever our needs are, there’s a course that has the potential to make it finally click for us, to bring us to another kind of understanding about ourselves, others, and our world, to break old habits, to heal; it’s ongoing, and we’re blessed to have these many offerings.
Phone Number: 800-741-7353

Credits are available for psychologists nurses social workers certified counselors registered dietitians yoga teachers athletic trainers massage therapists acupuncturists. Go online to learn details, including the number of hours granted: kripalu.org/cecredits

You should know that the food at Kripalu is delicious! and Kripalu’s Recipe Books are available for purchase at their shop. You’ll like the shop, too.

Going to Kripalu is something wonderful to consider whether for relaxation and enjoyment, learning, teacher training, healing, wanting a transformation, or to hobnob with like-minded people. Ah, yes, Kripalu just might have what body mind spirit need.

The night is lovely; let’s enjoy.

clean by alejandro junger

What can we do for body mind spirit this year that will have a permanent positive impact on our lives, and on Planet Earth?

Perhaps we can start with detoxing. Have you heard of the book CLEAN by Dr. Alejandro Junger? It’s an exquisitely-written book having all that’s needed in the way of information, including recipes. Yes, imagine that, recipes, which means we get to eat while reaping all the benefits of detoxing. in addition, the writer keeps us motivated, there’s plenty of support, and, to boot, he inspires us. What more do we need? Nothing, except commitment on our part. Detoxing is a priceless gift we give ourselves, and I’ve not read a book on this subject quite as interesting and exciting as CLEAN. Alejandro Junger, M.D. is a cardiologist who early in his career went from being a specimen of health to being stressed, bloated, tired, having headaches, and being depressed. He had many good reasons for temporarily chucking everything in search of the cause. And that’s exactly what he did, eventually regaining complete health. He tells us his story so that we can benefit, and learn all the reasons for detoxing (liver, kidneys, gall bladder, colon, etc.). CLEAN, I think, is a labor of love.

It’s been over a year since my daughter Sumi forwarded an email to me with information about Dr. Alejandro Junger, saying that Gwyneth Paltrow had talked about him on her blog, www.goop.com Then this past December, I was on a train heading for Penn Station when my daughter-in-law Alicia called clearly excited about a book called CLEAN, which she had borrowed from a Hot Yoga friend.

And so, it seems like the perfect way to begin implementing a permanent positive impact on ourselves, and then Planet Earth, because when we’re in top shape things become clearer, and that’s putting it mildly.

Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself

a 2012 imagine that! new year


It feels as though it’s going to be an interesting 2012. Interesting that loosely-used and versatile word saves the user from having to explain further as it has a way of explaining itself. People understand what they want to understand when the word is used. I like this word.

What is there to say about the coming year other than there’s a good chance it’ll be interesting? Will it be more interesting than other years? Will it be interesting in that they’ll be more wars, more political betrayals, more greed, more abductions, more foreclosures, more murders, and more scandals?

Or interesting in that we are our “brother’s keeper” will be written in our hearts, and step-by-step all of the above will have no place in our world because the pattern has been broken and replaced with “How can I serve?” Some people say this way is not possible on Planet Earth. Some say it is indeed possible. How will we ever know whether it is or it isn’t unless we give it a try? Imagine what an exquisitely interesting world it could be.



I had a recent discussion with someone about bringing up a child in today’s world, and when I got off the phone I took a long, deep breath. it’s an ongoing discussion, and anyone raising a child knows about all the advice and opinions coming from books, magazine articles, blogs, family, and friends, and the confusion at times when needing an answer and finding contradictions.

I feel though that a few things haven’t changed: the ease of teaching at that early fun age by just walking and talking and playing rather than trying to get a teenager’s attention later on; the loneliness of making tough decisions, and the strength that follows; the importance of honing one’s intuition and common sense; guilt that creeps into the mind at all hours of the day and night (It serves no purpose, and it drains one’s energy); the importance of forgiving and then forgetting; communicating as much as possible; laughing often; knowing when to let go; and appreciating the gift of a precious life to care for and to love.

Then I thought again about writing more, and said, no, no, no, it’s too broad a subject having too many opinions. So, instead I’ll generalize and take the easy way and say: parenting in today’s world is having to give all you’ve got and expecting nothing much in return – for a while. It’s about knowing that if you do your very best, you’ll end up smiling often. It’s about building a strong foundation of trust in oneself, one’s child, and the Universe. It’s about developing the power of intuition. It’s about understanding that every child is different and nothing is written in stone, and no one knows a child better than a loving parent/caregiver. It’s about not comparing. It’s about using lots of common sense. It’s about unconditional love, understanding and compassion. It’s about letting go at the right time. It’s about hopefully staying two steps ahead until those parenting skills (which are mostly learned “on the job” – interesting because it’s such an important job) kick in. It’s about remembering the words of the older generation who keep repeating them when they sense you’re about to fall apart: “I know it seems like the longest journey you’ve ever been on, but trust me, it all goes by so fast.” Difficult to imagine, but true; I know from experience that it passes in a flash. Enjoy the ride, and every so often smile when reading the words of Khalil Gibran.

“Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.”

* * * * * * *

And the following are Krishnamurti’s words taken from an address he had given in 1927 and printed in the book The Spiritual Tourist: A Personal Odyssey Through the Outer Reaches of Belief by Mick Brown (“This book starts out excellently and then gets better.” Robert M. Pirsig, Author of ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE):

“What are you seeking . . . you who strive and struggle and ache eternally with unsatisfied longings? Is it money? Is it possessions? Is it fame? Is it physical comfort? Is it love? Is it spiritual safety? . . . Yes indeed, you think it is one of these things. But I tell you it is not. What you are seeking for ceaselessly, day and night, is Happiness . . . The thing you seek is ever at your hand. Be Happy, and then whatever you do will be worthwhile . . . Do that which makes you happy to do, and you will do right.”

Today the sun is out in full force and I hear people laughing as they walk pass my window. It looks like a beautiful day; let’s be happy and enjoy.

brad warner, zen buddhist

I hadn’t heard of Brad Warner (although he seems to have many people reading his blog, listening to his music, and attending his sessions on Zen teachings) until reading about him in Tricycle Winter 2011 magazine. www.tricycle.com. “What an interesting guy,” I said to myself as I read on.

It’s refreshing to depart from the usual way of doing things and look at another way – Brad Warner’s way, and I intend to read more about him on his blog: www.hardcorezen.blogspot.com

It seems that there’s a whiff of criticism in the air about the way he practices, and, in general, lives his life. We live in a world that likes to criticize sometimes. I’m thinking though that what’s important here is that he’s helping people and teaching people, and that, one would think, is the bottom line.

madan lloyd

It’s taken a long time for me to read The Watkins Review Mind Body Spirit, Issue 27. Since this past summer I’ve been transporting it by way of tote bag, suitcase, hand always thinking I’ll find a cafe, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, and read. However, with this magazine it’s not that simple, the reading of it doesn’t get very far because many of the articles are worthy of consideration as they’re not the kind that allow going from page to page, and then casting out the magazine. They seem to want to be read, and savored throughout the day, and somewhere along the way, the question becomes, why are they special in my life?

This morning I began reading DIANA’S LEGACY The Death and Rebirth of a Monarchy by Madan Lloyd who “is the UK Co-ordinator for the New Earth Olympics 2012, a free-to-enter online video competition in 12 categories, running concurrently with the London Olympics.” The following is an exquisite, not-to-be-missed website pertaining to this: www.neo2012.co.uk All of a sudden tears started welling up in my eyes because the writer, after lovingly writing about the former princess, takes an abrupt turn – still tying in with the idea – just taking it in an entirely different direction. It’s a powerful piece of writing; it keeps in mind love’s power, while it touches upon this Planet’s heavy topics.

And he mentions Prince Charles, and William and Kate, and then writes: “. . . and we all badly need a real live fairytale love story like this one, not least because the happy ending is the timely and definitive demise of an empire built on lies, deceit and outrageous abuse of the sacred process of education, by which every man, woman and child on Planet Earth – regardless of race, creed, colour or social status – possesses the divine right of equal access to all information and instruction regarding how to make the very best use of this precious human life.”

And then, in his poetic style, he writes: “. . . as a bright new sun rises at the end of a long, dark night when corporate predators – most notable of banking, oil and pharmaceutical persuasion – preyed mercilessly on every innocent life they could entrap within the deadly web of their economic and media manipulations.” – I somehow lost it for a few minutes. And I had to wonder, why tears when reading this particular article?

I think it’s a special person who can write about corruption, greed, power – those topics that especially weigh heavily on us – while managing to keep an eye on the importance of every human being and, or course, on the power love can play in the world. A writer with heart and new wisdom has the ability to touch upon heavy topics using few words – the right words – and having those words stab at the reader’s heart – in a good way.

The next article in The Watkins Review: Eros, Buddha & the Spectrum of LOVE, an interview with ANDREW COHEN; GURU and KEN WILBER: PANDIT which took place at the Boulder Integral Center. I wonder what you’d think of this interview. If you don’t have the magazine, and want to read it, check out www.watkinsbooks.com

Are you having a beautiful day? I hope so.

a sore throat

Last week I took Amtrak from Penn Station NYC to 30th Street Station Philadelphia, and somewhere along the line, I realized I had a sore throat. Uh-oh, I thought. And as I walked along the Schuylkill River rolling my suitcase to my apartment I wondered what was in my bag of tricks for curing a sore throat – fast.

The first book I saw on a table in my apartment was SECRET FOOD CURES & Doctor-Approved Folk Remedies by Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen. It was within easy reach because it’s a pleasant and different kind of book to check out every so often. There were two pages of possible cures for sore throats – plenty of choices. I decided on two, and I’ll tell you what they are just in case you might need to know.

One choice is to warm a cup of water and then add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. “Gargle a mouthful, spit it out, and then swallow a mouthful until it’s all gone. An hour later, start all over.”

The second choice of possible cures for sore throats is an exercise: “Stick out your tongue to the count of 30. Then relax and do it again, five times in all. It will increase blood circulation, help the healing process and make you the center of attention at the next board meeting.”

It’s easy to forget about having a sore throat when standing in front of a bathroom mirror doing this exercise.

In the book, Louise L. Hay HEAL YOUR BODY, THE MENTAL CAUSES FOR PHYSICAL ILLNESS AND THE METAPHYSICAL WAY TO OVERCOME THEM, writes this about a sore throat: “Holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self.” Good to know, and important to ponder.

Here’s to all of us, may we stay happy and healthy.

jerry hicks


I subscribe to the Abraham-Hicks Newsletter (the Law of Attraction), and received the following “Note From Esther About Jerry” about her husband Jerry’s recent death. To take the time to read what she has to say about his death can only be a good thing. Every so often, putting our attention on death gives us a chance to think about our own transition “into Nonphysical,” and what could be better reading about death than when it comes from someone who has an ease about it.

* * * * * * * * *

Dear, dear Friends,

Our sweet Jerry made his transition into Nonphysical last Friday. How sweet the Vortex is feeling to him today!

Jerry said to me when we came together over 30 years ago that given the difference in our ages that it was likely “that I will cut out on you early,” to which I replied, “I don’t mind.” His joy of life and continual new discovery of purpose kept his life feeling fresh and we shared such joyous eagerness for life.

Over the years, Abraham has consistently insisted that there is no death. Again and again they have reminded us that there is only life and more life and more life. It has taken me some time to understand this, and I honestly must say I have not yet fully come to terms with it, but I do believe that in what we are calling Jerry’s death he is discovering the next logical step of life that Abraham has always been talking about. And at times I am catching a glimpse of the bigness of what Jerry is feeling and while I am still pretty mad at him for not sticking around longer to surprise and delight me in all the ways he has been doing throughout our 30 years together I accept fully that the next logical step of joyous life for Jerry was to be found in his re-emergence into Nonphysical.

Since 1985 it has been Jerry and Esther and Abraham and I believe with everything that I am that that has not changed. I know that Jerry will continue to be the third powerful point of the triad of Energy that makes up the Abraham experience and I am certain that his new vantage point will be, as it has always been, of advantage to us all.

I know for sure that Jerry will help me, in time, release my own personal resistance to physical death, because I will not be able to maintain that resistance and also play easily with him. And my desire to continue not only my Abraham experience but also my Jerry experience I am certain he will be the catalyst to help me do what Abraham has been trying to help us all do all along.

Once again, Jerry is out there leading the way for me. But the difference this time is that I must find the way. I am not there yet, but it is my absolute promise to myself that I will find the way, because it is the most natural thing in the world to do and because Jerry has provided for me the reason to do it.

I am eager about what is ahead and while I cannot begin to explain or even imagine the details of how it is all going to play out, I am certain that it will be fun.

I am such a fortunate girl, to have been able to play with Jerry and Abraham and all of you for so many wonderful years and I am so eager to continue doing more of the same for many more years to come. I feel certain right now that not only has nothing gone wrong, but things are going especially right. It will be different, for sure, but it will also be very, very good.

I’m feeling such love for you all, and for Abraham and most of all for Jerry. And as I have said to him a thousand or more times through the years, “Well isn’t life just a kick in the pants?”
