a gift of words

Through the years I’ve gotten some lovely-to-look-at-notebooks as gifts, and I feel that what’s written on their pages needs to match the notebook’s appearance. I copy words from books, videos, movies, and people doing workshops. I copy the words for different reasons, mostly though because they give an Aha! feeling, and they do that just about every time they’re read. My thinking is that just as we need sustenance for our bodies, we also need it for our minds and spiritual selves. Sometimes in the morning when I’m enjoying a breakfast smoothie made with Dr. Schulze’s SuperFood Plus, I read something at random from one of the notebooks – food for thought in the form of harmony and inspiration. And at night there are those times when they give a feeling of serenity, sometimes security, but not the kind of security we tend to try for in the world.

I’ll gladly share some of the words with you; I think they want to be shared. And I’ll gladly share Dr. Schulze’s website with you too: www.herbdoc.com

“Watching television, seeing everything going on in the world, often leads the small mind to judgment and fear. When you engage this response, you connect yourself to the very energy and dynamics you judge. Far better in such moments is to bless all the Souls and events you witness. Realizing that all people are being called to their curriculum by their Soul will help anyone remember that everything happens for growth – individual and collective.”

“The ego can only survive when we’re in pain. . . . The ego’s friends are guilt, fear, denial and attack. . . . Forgiveness tears down the ego’s walls of separation. . . . The ego cannot survive in the light of loving thoughts.”
– Gabrielle Bernstein in Spirit Junkie: a radical road to discovering self-love and miracles.


“The hopeless desolate individual who has been told that nothing more can be done for him should be reminded that the human mind has vast unexplored territory in which lie tremendous resources for healing. His mind is actually an extension of the Infinite Mind. This is not just a pretty figure of speech; it is actual fact. But man usually has to come to the limit of human resources before he will dare to launch himself upon the illimitable ocean of the Infinite. When he does so, he finds that ‘With God all things are possible.’ ” I’ve had this book since 1991; it’s a keeper.
– Frederick Bailes 1889 – 1070, The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions


“When all of our intentions and actions in daily life originate from the intuitive wisdom of our hearts; when we feel and act with sincere appreciation, caring and kindness for others; and when we can observe the world around us without the preset judgments of the mind but rather with the compassion in our heart – then we will truly be living from the heart.”
– Sara Childre, Institute of HeartMath, Heart-Based Living Empowers Co-Creation

“Risk taking, trust and serendipity are key ingredients of joy. Without risk, nothing new ever happens. Without trust, fear creeps in, without serendipity, there are no surprises.”
– Rita Golden Gelman, wrote seventy children’s books and Tales of a Female Nomad, Living at Large in the World.
And a delightful book it is! Her website suggests that she’s a nomad in every sense of the word.


“You rise to a higher level of consciousness by taking your attention away from your present limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be.” – Neville


“If we can be still we can fall into a different reality.”
– Anita Moorjani in an interview with Lilou Mace – Life Lessons from Anita Moorjani’s Near Death Experience (NDE) on www.juicylivingtour.com
Give yourself a gift; sit, watch, listen to the entire video. It’s almost certain that the viewer just might come away with a different way of feeling about life, death, and all that’s in between.


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“Two men looked out from prison bars, one saw mud the other saw stars.”

the peace prayer

What would happen if many of us recited the Peace Prayer tonight? -I’m thinking maybe a big shift in mass consciousness. Maybe?

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


What do you think, would it work?



the celestine prophecy

The holidays are here. I love the music playing as I enter shops. There’s always this marvelous merry feeling I wish we could all bottle and have the year long. Though when I see people carrying three or four shopping bags full of gifts, I tend to hope that the givers have enough in their piggy banks to allow for stress-free buying. Because buying shouldn’t lead to this: “Stress, a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. ”

Speaking of stress free, an amazing way to keep the holiday glow is to watch a movie that gives us a sense of the spiritual part of the beautiful December holiday, since it’s so very easy to forget that the holiday wasn’t created for shopping. We’re blessed because there’s another side to us, and when we take our attention away from all the enticing ads and commercials, from all the things that take our attention away from what’s really real, and place our attention on slowing down, using our intuition, using the guidance within, focusing on and remembering what’s really important, magic begins to happen.

This is what the movie The Celestine Prophesy is all about, and what it does, it does magnificently. The special way the actors play their part based on their own spiritual life and experiences, the story, the words, the scenery, the energy of many of the people involved in the making of the movie, takes the one watching away from every day thinking to a new way of seeing life. And, if we allow, can get us into the real spirit of the holiday season, and also what we humans are really all about.

And when we watch the “Special Features” part, the writer James Redfield talks of “synchronicity.” And it becomes clear that step-by-step the making of the The Celestine Prophecy is completely aligned with the story and its meaning. When we listen to the writers, producers, directors talk about the movie, it becomes clear to us that everything was in sync because of the spiritual life of everyone involved in the making of the movie. After he wrote the screenplay, James Redfield’s intention was to place his attention on synchronicity, intuition, and guidance from within to attract those directors, producers, and actors needed. He did, they showed up, and this too is a marvelous story.

There’s a big chance that by focusing on what The Celestine Prophecy and/or the book by James Redfield is saying, we can change the way we think about certain holidays if they cause stress, because with a new awareness, and a knowing from experience that there’s guidance within, we won’t feel out of control anymore. And then, most likely our usual way of handling stress will be a thing of the past. Oh, yes.


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“We wanted actors that related to all this – that were on a spiritual journey of their own.”
– James Redfield

“Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence – something that happens that gives me an idea of what I’m supposed to do next with my life. And I have to say that sometimes I will follow those guidances, those thoughts, and, in a short run it may look like I’ve made a mistake – why did I feel that way, or think that way, or say that? And then I may find out later that there’s a higher meaning to it. I had to grow through a certain experience, or I had to become a different person, in order to live out what that was guiding me toward.”
– Salle Merrill Redfield, executive producer

“One of the most amazing things about life is that when we stop controlling we open up to a whole new possibility . . . I believe that when we do that we’re led down a whole new path. We meet people we would never have met before. We experience new things that we could never have experienced before. But we have to let go in order to do that, and it’s not easy, but I believe once we do it, we embrace this idea that we’re not fully in control of our lives. Then we see a whole new turn of events happen.”
– Salle Merrill Redfield


where would you go?



Because I read Kathleen Peddicord’s newsletters, and International Living, too, read travel books, watch travel documentaries, and tend to meet people who travel the world . . . I was thinking about where would I choose to live . . . so many beautiful places . . . where would I go . . . if I decided it was time to go? – it’s a wonderful question. I’ve actually narrowed it down to: France, somewhere in Ecuador, Uruguay perhaps, maybe Thailand, or Italy. And, yes, there’s also sacred and ancient India and its magnificent rich history. Though as far as India is concerned, I hear a little voice in the back of my head saying: however will you make that happen? And then there are the pictures I’ve seen of people profusely sweating and mopping their faces and necks with handkerchiefs, and documentaries of foreigners doing the same and looking as hot as hot can be. I’m not sure I could take that amount of humidity and remain sane. The other side of the coin is, when people talk of India they don’t complain of the humidity. And I’m beginning to think that it has to do with learning acceptance and simply loving and appreciating what India has to offer. The movie The Story of India by Michael Wood is a powerful, exciting, and marvelous documentary that can easily have a viewer thinking, I want to be there, too.

Now I have a question for you: Are there places in this beautiful and fascinating world you would happily move to in a heartbeat? And if you say yes, where and why?

Finding a place where there are like-minded people of all ages, a place that inspires and offers plenty of beauty, a place where nature has remained intact for the most part, a place having quality of life, and organic farms would be just about ideal.

Some people see the whole world as their home, and are comfortable anywhere with anybody, and I’m inching toward that mindset. The longer I live the more I understand that we humans are capable of changing . . . we’re always changing – we just don’t realize it. When we want the BIG changes to come and focus to the extent that most everything else becomes secondary . . . no doubts, anxiety, negative thoughts, no fear thoughts, allowed . . . a “single mindedness” until we’re where we want to be . . . that includes in any area of life . . . when that happens . . . we can expect change – the kind we want.

The way I prepare is to hobnob with the Mystic Power Emmet Fox so beautifully understood and wrote about. Mystic Power has many names, and we need to find the name that resonates with us. It’s a total belief that Mystic Power is our perfect senior partner.

Now I have a question for you: Are there places in this beautiful and fascinating world you would happily move to in a heartbeat? If yes, where would you go? And why?



The evening is lovely. Autumn is signaling that it’s right around the corner. For me saying goodbye to a very, very hot and humid summer will be easy. Although I know of people who feel sad about summer’s ending. If you’re one of those people, cheer up, it’ll be back.

I hope you had a wonderful day.

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It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
It is because we do not dare that they are difficult. – Seneca

Man’s Best Friend

Charlotte hams it up!

Anyone who’s had a dog understands the important role these special beings play in a family. The pure and unconditional love of a family dog is something that everyone should be fortunate enough to experience.

Charlotte is 8 years young and every single day she teaches us about unconditional love. Whether sitting at our feet while we peck away at a keyboard and work. Greeting us at the door without fail every single time anyone comes home or making sure she is body to body with whomever she is sharing the couch with.

Pure love, friendship & loyalty about sums it up.

emmet fox



Are you acquainted with Emmet Fox yet? His was a full life, and a spiritual one, and he was dedicated to helping others. www.emmetfox.net And although he died in 1951 he continues to help millions by way of his marvelous books. Why? Well, because he answers many of the same questions many of us ponder at certain intervals in our lives, and he does so in an amazingly straightforward way – a way that’s pretty easy to understand and nice to read. And whether we’re starting on the path in wanting to live a more spiritual life, or have read hundreds of books and attended lots of workshops and retreats, his books have a way of offering what we’re looking for. Of course, as with anything, attention to the subject is important, then again, why would we bother with this kind of a book unless we’re searching for something? Some of our genuine spiritual teachers of today say that Emmet Fox clarified much for them, and that they keep his books close at hand. I believe that somehow through his words he passes on a certain energy, and the only way to feel them is to find a quiet space somewhere and attentively read his words. Right now I feel blessed to be reading Power Through Constructive Thinking. Inside the jacket of the book is this sentence from The New York Times: “Dr. Fox shows that . . . down the ages certain people have attained mastery over their misfortunes and through their own efforts have been able to lead lives of unbroken happiness.”

It was a gorgeous day today. And tonight the streets are crowded still, people are sitting outside tables enjoying a scrumptious looking restaurant meal, some are walking with ice cream, others are listening to the Spinning Leaves concert at Rittenhouse Square Park in Philadelphia. Very nice!

20120830-143443.jpg I hope you’re enjoying too.

omraam mikhael aivanhov, neville, maurice nicoll

omraam mikhael aivanhov, neville, maurice nicoll

I read the name Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov on page 22, Issue 30 of WATKINS BODY MIND SPIRIT magazine, and his writings, and what was written about him, made me want to buy his book, A Living Book: Autobiographical Reflections 1 By OMRAAM MIKHAEL AIVANHOV, translated and reviewed by Alison Holmes. Her review can make your soul sing; I can only imagine the joy felt in reading the book of this great Bulgarian born Master. In his lifetime he experienced great hardship, and was grateful for all his experiences; he used them as tools for transformation. I’m itching to quote a passage from the magazine review so that you can have an idea of the kind of man and Master he was. Though choosing from that one page isn’t easy because there’s so much said about him in every line of the review. Okay, here is one: “I know your difficulties; I’ve experienced them. I have been hungry, I have been cold, I have been ill, I had no money, nowhere to stay, been unable to wash myself, been badly dressed, I have had to wait for hours in the corridors of power, I have been continually under the threat of deportation, I have had my name dragged through the mud, have been the target of plots against me, and have been thrown into prison.” And this from Alison Holmes: “His account of some of the trials and tribulations of a great Master are of value to us, because his simple way of expressing how he dealt with them all infuses us with inspiration and gratitude that we have been shown how to deal with our own.”   www.watkinsbooks.com


Some time ago I started reading Neville’s books and what he had to say about his life’s journey. I clicked on to the website www.nevillegoddard.wwwhubs.com and read more about his teachings and books. He was born in Barbados in 1905, and traveled to the United States at age 17 to study drama. He lived an extraordinary life, certain people showed up at certain times in his life as if by divine guidance, and because he followed through on the crux of his teachings and writings, “Imagination creates reality,” he made himself into a remarkable man.

20120729-132735.jpg The above-mentioned website quotes Neville as saying that if he was stranded on a desert island and allowed one book, he would choose The Bible.

Why The Bible? This is what he said: “. . . This changeless principle of expression is dramatized in all the Bibles of the world. The writers of our sacred books were illumined mystics, past masters in the art of psychology. In telling the story of the soul they personified this impersonal principle in the form of a historical document both to preserve it and to hide it from the eyes of the uninitiated. . . .” Neville is not the only spiritual teacher who has expressed these exact sentiments. And he said if he could squeeze in more books, they would be Charles Fillmore’s Metaphysical Dictionary of Bible Names, William Blake, and Nicoll’s Commentaries.


Have you heard of Maurice Nicoll? I haven’t, so I googled his name and was treated to a wonderful short story about his fascinating life. www.hurleydonson.com/nicoll.htm says he was born in Kelso, Scotland in 1884. If you’re looking for a break from the day’s activities, a break that will perhaps cause a slight shift in your thoughts, read, “Maurice Nicoll: Spiritual Giant, Gentle Genius.”


20120729-174739.jpg I copied this from the website: “Maurice Nicoll also had a lighthearted, playful side to his nature. In college his friends were those whose sense of humor and frivolity provided what he would need all of his life. Joy and love of life were among his gifts as well. Indeed, a quotation from Plato, “Serious things can only be understood through laughable things,” was hung in a prominent place in all the homes in which he lived.”

So, why spend time studying the teachings and lives of the above-mentioned people? Because they were willing to do whatever it took to bring themselves to a higher level of consciousness, and didn’t allow themselves to get sidetracked. They knew life holds more than we can ever imagine, and they guided others to do the same.


anita moorjani

A few months ago I subscribed to Anita Moorjani’s website so that I could “be informed on upcoming events, new insights and understandings” The first email came this weekend, and should anyone want to connect with her, and other “like-minded people,” on Facebook for a chance to ask questions and/or read about questions asked about her book DYING TO BE ME, this is a good opportunity.

I read DYING TO BE ME once and today reached for it again, because a book having this kind of information needs more than one reading. I began reading page 113 since I had turned down a corner of that page, and it said that one of the messages given to her by her father, and her friend in the other realm was the strongest and the one that keeps repeating within her; it’s this: “Go back and live your life fearlessly!”

Many spiritual teachers tell us to let go of all the fears we’ve been collecting, and now we’re hearing it from “the other realm.”

The reason I’m writing about Anita Moorjani again is that what she has to say can change the way we think about life and death. And that can be a good thing, right?

“just label it”

The name of the website www.justlabelit.org and the following important message says it all. I copied it from an email I received after subscribing to the website. After reading it, if you want, click on to the website and add your name to the list.

“Help us find 5,000 new people to contact the FDA in the next 5 days!

Tell your friends and family why you support the labeling of genetically engineered foods with just a few clicks!

We have a right to know how the food we buy is produced. Yet the FDA’s current policy does not provide us with the ability to make informed choices about genetically engineered foods because they are not labeled.

Over forty countries – including Russia and China – require the labeling of genetically engineered foods. We have the power to fix this here in the United States, and there’s never been a more pressing time.

The FDA is on the brink of approving genetically engineered salmon, which would be the first genetically engineered animal on supermarket shelves in the United States. The salmon is engineered to produce growth hormones year-round that cause the fish to grow at twice the normal rate. The government already requires labels to tell us if fish is wild-caught or farm-raised – don’t we also have a right to know if our salmon is genetically engineered? But without labels, we’ll never know.

You stood with more than one million Americans for our right to know by contacting the FDA demanding that genetically engineered foods be labeled. But there are so many others who haven’t heard anything about the reasons to label genetically engineered foods.

Will you tell your friends, family, and colleagues why genetically engineered foods should be labeled and ask them to join you in contacting the FDA? Click here to send them a message!

You’re not alone in your support of this issue. Not only have more than a million people already contacted the FDA, but studies show that 91% of Americans support mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.

We need to let the FDA know how much public support there is for this issue. It’s our job to show them how many of us care about labeling genetically engineered foods. That’s why it’s so important to tell friends and family about this issue and the need for labeling. Can we count on you to spread the word?

Please, send a message to your family and friends with just a few clicks and help us meet our goal of 5,000 new people in the next 5 days.

Thank you for spreading the word today.”

David Bancroft
Just Label It

philadelphia at south street between 10th and 22nd streets

Have you been to Philly? If not, come. A lot of changes have and are taking place. In the four years I’ve been here there are new restaurants, shops, the Barnes Museum Foundation is now in Philadelphia on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, more people are moving here, and though it’s a city, it’s small and not overwhelming. Travelers say that they actually enjoy flying into the Philly airport whether to visit, or to transfer to another flight, because it’s easy to get around. I agree; it has the easiness of being able to get one’s bearings which is not always the case at airports, and yet it’s well-organized.

With all that’s developing there’s a good feeling in the air. When I first moved to Philly, South Street between 10th and 23rd Streets was in the throes of, well, I don’t quite know of what. Truthfully, except for a few stores, it was uninspiring. Not anymore; it’s alive now. Here we can find an array of restaurants preparing delicious ethnic foods, and plenty of small speciality shops. People who are moving into this area and opening shops are excited about being a part of the neighborhood. When walking along and passing restaurants, I hear a whole lot of laughter.

What I’m saying is that when you’ve been to all the tourist sites don’t stop there cause you ain’t seen nothing yet. Uh-oh, maybe I shouldn’t write that. Well, I did. Philly is small, walk over to South Street and meander over to 10th Street where Whole Foods can be your landmark, then head west. I’m only going to name a few places, as you’ll easily discover the rest. Remember, Philly is the city of Brotherly Love so don’t hesitate to ask to be pointed in the right direction.

The Philly Magic Gardens at 1020 South Street will be waiting for you. If you have flowers and plants in mind, instead think mosaic. There are events, tours, workshops with Isaiah Zagar, celebration of special occasions, and more, more. Check it out: 215-733-0390 – www.phillymagicgardens.org



Next let’s go to Harry’s Occult Shop at 1238 South Street. Harry’s Occult Shop was started by Harry Seligman a pharmacist in 1917. He was a registered pharmacist and the business started as a pharmacy, most of his clients were people who had just arrived from the south and would ask him for occult powders and oils. His interest was aroused and he began researching the occult (Occult means hidden, unseen, unheard). Occult products are used to create positive energies to help bring about changes according to the intention. The upstairs rooms are used for treatments and readings. Harry’s Occult Shop: 215-735-8262 – www.harrysoccultshop.net

You were hungry and perhaps stopped at a restaurant. if not, you’re hungry now. Don’t be concerned as there are a lot of restaurants along the way to 22nd Street. First though I’d like to tell you about Mushmina at 1540 South Street, or because they can do it so much better than I can – you’ll feel their passion – I’ll let the first paragraph of their website do the telling:

“The story started with two sisters who wanted to make a difference in the developing world. One joined Peace Corps Morocco to help rural women develop business skills and the other traveled to Mali to research traditional weaving and metal-smithing techniques. Six years later, Mushmina was born. Our name Mushmina, is an endearing nickname that to us means ‘little sister’.

“Artisans we love
In Morocco we work with over 9 different regional artisan groups, employing over 75 artisans, both men and women. While we are a cottage industry business (where many women work in their homes) the Mushmina Workshop and atelier is coming soon!”

Katie O’Neill is one of the sisters, and you’ll find her at the Mushmina shop. Her face nicely expresses that she loves what she does, and is well-able to talk about any item in the store, and tell its story. I was there and I’ll be back to buy a birthday gift. Pictures also tell a story, and the website can show you the beautiful selection of bags, scarves, clothes, jewelry, shoes, slippers, etc., and of the interesting ways the sisters are growing their business. Check it out: 215-732-5500 – www.mushmina.com




It wasn’t easy choosing only three shops to write about. From here I hope you continue onward, and, if you’re so inclined, send a comment about an interesting shop you happened upon, or a restaurant, yoga place, bar, cafe, a great story you heard on South Street, etc. What caught your attention?

It looks like a lovely summer day. Let’s thoroughly enjoy.