What do we do without access to our own guru, mentor, or someone capable of bringing us to a higher level of understanding? Well, if we steadily put our attention on the right ones, books can be great guides.
It’s been written in these books that we’re all the creators of our own life, although most of us are not conscious of this, blame outside forces, and take little or no responsibility for things that happen to us. We think it’s so easy this way, although we’re not even conscious that that’s what we’re thinking.
And then there’s a small group of people who have a gut feeling, an almost overpowering feeling, that what is is far different than what could be. And this overwhelming gut feeling spurs them on. They willingly take the bull by the horns, so to speak. and, step-by-step, harness the patience and effort, and whatever else it takes, to change the way they see the world, to change the thoughts they think moment-to-moment about themselves and everyone else, and ultimately establish a new way of consciously living in the world. Again and again we’re reminded by these people that we’re all capable of doing what they’ve done. In fact, evolving is what we’re supposed to be doing, and therefore, we’re more than capable of getting ourselves from unconscious to conscious living. Nice, right?
Walk around city streets and it’s obvious that the majority of people are not too happy with. . . . Name anything and it’ll most likely fit the rest of the sentence. One area of distress is the physical body, lack of energy, irritable bowel syndrome, all kinds of allergies, anxiety, autoimmune disorders, bloating, constipation, body odor, cancer, diabetes, diahhrea, eczema, fibromyalgia, heart disease, joint pain, toxic overload, stress, thyroid dysfunction, and more.
Okay, I’ve taken the above from the index of the book CLEAN by Alejandro Junger because, in the clearest and most interesting of ways, he addresses humankind’s health problems. CLEAN is wonderfully enlightening, and I”m kept busy underlining and trying to take it all in before beginning the three-week detox program. Anyone suffering in any way – mentally, emotionally, physically, soul hungry – CLEAN addresses just about every human distress. Not ready to detox? – read the book, plant the seeds, learn and absorb – for now.
The following websites are from the book:
Most of us can use an injection of instant enthusiasm, right? Reading the book The Mother of Invention by Neale Donald Walsch just about guarantees that we’ll get it. The back jacket of the book reads: “A biography unlike any other, The Mother of Invention tells the story of every human being now on the earth . . . through the telling of the life story of futurist and visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard. We are all moving through the same process, the book and it’s subject declare, it is the process of the birthing of our species.” this is not just any biography. You’ll see, if you decide to read it.
More wonderful websites:
Enjoy a lovely day.