The holidays are here. I love the music playing as I enter shops. There’s always this marvelous merry feeling I wish we could all bottle and have the year long. Though when I see people carrying three or four shopping bags full of gifts, I tend to hope that the givers have enough in their piggy banks to allow for stress-free buying. Because buying shouldn’t lead to this: “Stress, a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. ”
Speaking of stress free, an amazing way to keep the holiday glow is to watch a movie that gives us a sense of the spiritual part of the beautiful December holiday, since it’s so very easy to forget that the holiday wasn’t created for shopping. We’re blessed because there’s another side to us, and when we take our attention away from all the enticing ads and commercials, from all the things that take our attention away from what’s really real, and place our attention on slowing down, using our intuition, using the guidance within, focusing on and remembering what’s really important, magic begins to happen.
This is what the movie The Celestine Prophesy is all about, and what it does, it does magnificently. The special way the actors play their part based on their own spiritual life and experiences, the story, the words, the scenery, the energy of many of the people involved in the making of the movie, takes the one watching away from every day thinking to a new way of seeing life. And, if we allow, can get us into the real spirit of the holiday season, and also what we humans are really all about.
And when we watch the “Special Features” part, the writer James Redfield talks of “synchronicity.” And it becomes clear that step-by-step the making of the The Celestine Prophecy is completely aligned with the story and its meaning. When we listen to the writers, producers, directors talk about the movie, it becomes clear to us that everything was in sync because of the spiritual life of everyone involved in the making of the movie. After he wrote the screenplay, James Redfield’s intention was to place his attention on synchronicity, intuition, and guidance from within to attract those directors, producers, and actors needed. He did, they showed up, and this too is a marvelous story.
There’s a big chance that by focusing on what The Celestine Prophecy and/or the book by James Redfield is saying, we can change the way we think about certain holidays if they cause stress, because with a new awareness, and a knowing from experience that there’s guidance within, we won’t feel out of control anymore. And then, most likely our usual way of handling stress will be a thing of the past. Oh, yes.
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“We wanted actors that related to all this – that were on a spiritual journey of their own.”
– James Redfield
“Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence – something that happens that gives me an idea of what I’m supposed to do next with my life. And I have to say that sometimes I will follow those guidances, those thoughts, and, in a short run it may look like I’ve made a mistake – why did I feel that way, or think that way, or say that? And then I may find out later that there’s a higher meaning to it. I had to grow through a certain experience, or I had to become a different person, in order to live out what that was guiding me toward.”
– Salle Merrill Redfield, executive producer
“One of the most amazing things about life is that when we stop controlling we open up to a whole new possibility . . . I believe that when we do that we’re led down a whole new path. We meet people we would never have met before. We experience new things that we could never have experienced before. But we have to let go in order to do that, and it’s not easy, but I believe once we do it, we embrace this idea that we’re not fully in control of our lives. Then we see a whole new turn of events happen.”
– Salle Merrill Redfield