a 2012 imagine that! new year


It feels as though it’s going to be an interesting 2012. Interesting that loosely-used and versatile word saves the user from having to explain further as it has a way of explaining itself. People understand what they want to understand when the word is used. I like this word.

What is there to say about the coming year other than there’s a good chance it’ll be interesting? Will it be more interesting than other years? Will it be interesting in that they’ll be more wars, more political betrayals, more greed, more abductions, more foreclosures, more murders, and more scandals?

Or interesting in that we are our “brother’s keeper” will be written in our hearts, and step-by-step all of the above will have no place in our world because the pattern has been broken and replaced with “How can I serve?” Some people say this way is not possible on Planet Earth. Some say it is indeed possible. How will we ever know whether it is or it isn’t unless we give it a try? Imagine what an exquisitely interesting world it could be.



I had a recent discussion with someone about bringing up a child in today’s world, and when I got off the phone I took a long, deep breath. it’s an ongoing discussion, and anyone raising a child knows about all the advice and opinions coming from books, magazine articles, blogs, family, and friends, and the confusion at times when needing an answer and finding contradictions.

I feel though that a few things haven’t changed: the ease of teaching at that early fun age by just walking and talking and playing rather than trying to get a teenager’s attention later on; the loneliness of making tough decisions, and the strength that follows; the importance of honing one’s intuition and common sense; guilt that creeps into the mind at all hours of the day and night (It serves no purpose, and it drains one’s energy); the importance of forgiving and then forgetting; communicating as much as possible; laughing often; knowing when to let go; and appreciating the gift of a precious life to care for and to love.

Then I thought again about writing more, and said, no, no, no, it’s too broad a subject having too many opinions. So, instead I’ll generalize and take the easy way and say: parenting in today’s world is having to give all you’ve got and expecting nothing much in return – for a while. It’s about knowing that if you do your very best, you’ll end up smiling often. It’s about building a strong foundation of trust in oneself, one’s child, and the Universe. It’s about developing the power of intuition. It’s about understanding that every child is different and nothing is written in stone, and no one knows a child better than a loving parent/caregiver. It’s about not comparing. It’s about using lots of common sense. It’s about unconditional love, understanding and compassion. It’s about letting go at the right time. It’s about hopefully staying two steps ahead until those parenting skills (which are mostly learned “on the job” – interesting because it’s such an important job) kick in. It’s about remembering the words of the older generation who keep repeating them when they sense you’re about to fall apart: “I know it seems like the longest journey you’ve ever been on, but trust me, it all goes by so fast.” Difficult to imagine, but true; I know from experience that it passes in a flash. Enjoy the ride, and every so often smile when reading the words of Khalil Gibran.

“Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.”

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And the following are Krishnamurti’s words taken from an address he had given in 1927 and printed in the book The Spiritual Tourist: A Personal Odyssey Through the Outer Reaches of Belief by Mick Brown (“This book starts out excellently and then gets better.” Robert M. Pirsig, Author of ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE):

“What are you seeking . . . you who strive and struggle and ache eternally with unsatisfied longings? Is it money? Is it possessions? Is it fame? Is it physical comfort? Is it love? Is it spiritual safety? . . . Yes indeed, you think it is one of these things. But I tell you it is not. What you are seeking for ceaselessly, day and night, is Happiness . . . The thing you seek is ever at your hand. Be Happy, and then whatever you do will be worthwhile . . . Do that which makes you happy to do, and you will do right.”

Today the sun is out in full force and I hear people laughing as they walk pass my window. It looks like a beautiful day; let’s be happy and enjoy.

brad warner, zen buddhist

I hadn’t heard of Brad Warner (although he seems to have many people reading his blog, listening to his music, and attending his sessions on Zen teachings) until reading about him in Tricycle Winter 2011 magazine. www.tricycle.com. “What an interesting guy,” I said to myself as I read on.

It’s refreshing to depart from the usual way of doing things and look at another way – Brad Warner’s way, and I intend to read more about him on his blog: www.hardcorezen.blogspot.com

It seems that there’s a whiff of criticism in the air about the way he practices, and, in general, lives his life. We live in a world that likes to criticize sometimes. I’m thinking though that what’s important here is that he’s helping people and teaching people, and that, one would think, is the bottom line.

madan lloyd

It’s taken a long time for me to read The Watkins Review Mind Body Spirit, Issue 27. Since this past summer I’ve been transporting it by way of tote bag, suitcase, hand always thinking I’ll find a cafe, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, and read. However, with this magazine it’s not that simple, the reading of it doesn’t get very far because many of the articles are worthy of consideration as they’re not the kind that allow going from page to page, and then casting out the magazine. They seem to want to be read, and savored throughout the day, and somewhere along the way, the question becomes, why are they special in my life?

This morning I began reading DIANA’S LEGACY The Death and Rebirth of a Monarchy by Madan Lloyd who “is the UK Co-ordinator for the New Earth Olympics 2012, a free-to-enter online video competition in 12 categories, running concurrently with the London Olympics.” The following is an exquisite, not-to-be-missed website pertaining to this: www.neo2012.co.uk All of a sudden tears started welling up in my eyes because the writer, after lovingly writing about the former princess, takes an abrupt turn – still tying in with the idea – just taking it in an entirely different direction. It’s a powerful piece of writing; it keeps in mind love’s power, while it touches upon this Planet’s heavy topics.

And he mentions Prince Charles, and William and Kate, and then writes: “. . . and we all badly need a real live fairytale love story like this one, not least because the happy ending is the timely and definitive demise of an empire built on lies, deceit and outrageous abuse of the sacred process of education, by which every man, woman and child on Planet Earth – regardless of race, creed, colour or social status – possesses the divine right of equal access to all information and instruction regarding how to make the very best use of this precious human life.”

And then, in his poetic style, he writes: “. . . as a bright new sun rises at the end of a long, dark night when corporate predators – most notable of banking, oil and pharmaceutical persuasion – preyed mercilessly on every innocent life they could entrap within the deadly web of their economic and media manipulations.” – I somehow lost it for a few minutes. And I had to wonder, why tears when reading this particular article?

I think it’s a special person who can write about corruption, greed, power – those topics that especially weigh heavily on us – while managing to keep an eye on the importance of every human being and, or course, on the power love can play in the world. A writer with heart and new wisdom has the ability to touch upon heavy topics using few words – the right words – and having those words stab at the reader’s heart – in a good way.

The next article in The Watkins Review: Eros, Buddha & the Spectrum of LOVE, an interview with ANDREW COHEN; GURU and KEN WILBER: PANDIT which took place at the Boulder Integral Center. I wonder what you’d think of this interview. If you don’t have the magazine, and want to read it, check out www.watkinsbooks.com

Are you having a beautiful day? I hope so.

alan cohen

Have you read a book, any book, by Alan Cohen? If not, I’m thinking that this coming weekend is as good a time as any to acquaint yourself with him, and the often lighthearted and interesting way he has of writing. Let’s see, The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, A Deep Breath of Life, and How Good Can It Get? are just three of the wonderful choices available.

I think his writings have a touch of grace, and that what he wants to impart to the reader is done seemingly without effort, and oftentimes with humor. Although, after all is said and done, it’s obvious that the humor allows for the thoughts to seep into the readers mind and slowly hit home without us being aware that that’s what’s happening.

Are you going away this weekend? If so, you might want to tuck an Alan Cohen book into your suitcase. Staying put this weekend? Take it to a cafe or a park. Working this weekend? Yours would be a nice soothing break if you could relax and read a few pages from one of his books – whichever one calls to you.

May tomorrow be an extraordinary day for you.

contact has begun – a true story with james gilliland. . .a message that will change your world. . . .

The above DVD has quite a full title. Are you interested?

Every so often I pick up a book or a DVD about UFOs. I feel that since we’re part of the Universe, it makes sense to know what’s going on, as much as we possibly can. There are many people who are giving considerable time to the study of UFOs, and in the process are finding out much more. It’s just about impossible now to leave this topic on the back burner. “. . . The Times CNN poll stated that 80% of people believe that UFOs are real and that there’s a government cover-up.” This was noted on the DVD which came out in 2007. Since that time, it’s been reported that there have been numerous UFO sightings by many people in different areas of the world. And so I watched and listened attentively to CONTACT HAS BEGUN A True Story with James Gilliland . . . A MESSAGE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR WORLD, knowing that it was written and produced by people who care deeply about the Universe, particularly what’s happening to Planet Earth, and who also care about our role as evolving human beings.

Watching and listening to the people who had a part in the documentary was easy and exciting, especially since years ago Hollywood movies and the powers that be put fear into anyone wanting to know more about UFOs. And I began to realize while viewing the above-mentioned DVD that our past knowledge about UFOs hardly holds true.

What should be of interest to all of us is what it has to tell us about: the human race, consciousness, other dimensions, Planet Earth’s distress, UFOs, climate change, ancient civilizations, spiritual awakening, technology, our connection to everything, “the funding of Hollywood,” the military, earth changes, the messages we are being given, etc. I can only imagine what has happened since this film came to market in 2007.

Somewhere in the watching and listening it becomes evident that we need to make necessary changes in order to move forward and to evolve as we’re meant to do. To rescue Planet Earth, the consciousness of every one of us needs to be brought to a higher frequency so that we can work harmoniously together. It would seem that in order to do this we can’t live passively, or in fear, or allow negative thoughts to rule us. It’s been said that when our thoughts are negative we keep ourselves and Planet Earth at a very low frequency.

Also, it seems to be to our advantage to put away some of the “toys” we depend on for entertainment. So much time goes to entertaining ourselves with things that, in the end, leave us dissatisfied and keep us from knowing things about ourselves that, to put it frankly, are awesome. It’s been said that daily allowing for private time and journal keeping in order to ask ourselves questions and be willing to hear the answers about ourselves can restore us to a higher frequency, and when that happens, we can expect, well, I think you know what. And then we can begin to eliminate fear, and start to do the things that in our deep-down private moments we know we’re capable of doing.

From what I understand, as long as we’re not hurting anyone, the way we want to live life is absolutely our choice, and the choices are unlimited. It’s everyone’s birthright to dig deeper and deeper into the how-to of living a life of joy, peace, wisdom, beauty, loving-kindness, and abundance. It seems though that fear keeps most of us from living extraordinary lives.

The Universe is wonderfully fascinating and we all have to dare to expand our relationship to all that is, and who we are, and where we’re going. Living in kindness, harmony, compassion unconditional love, beauty, forgiveness will align us to a higher frequency, and together we’ll restore Planet Earth to the dignity it once had, and in the process, we’ll realize that we’re so much more than we imagine ourselves to be.

I’m glad I had the chance to watch and listen to:

James Gilliland
Dr. Brooks Agnew
Dr. Miceal Ledwith
Dr. Michael Salta
Neil Freer

If you opt to view CONTACT HAS BEGUN . . . , or another DVD of that ilk, sit, watch, and listen carefully til the very end. You just might be glad you did.

I hope the day is an absolutely lovely one for you.

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We arrive at truth, not by reason only, but also by the heart. – Blaine Pascal

I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small my mind would comprehend it. -Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick

Don’t play for safety – it’s the most dangerous game in the world. – Hugh Walpole

The greatest gift you can give the world
is your own growth into the full consciousness
of your own possibilities – and ultimately
the evolutionary possibilities of the
whole human species. – Alan Watts

anxiety, “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune”

www.dictionary.com has this to say about the word anxiety:
1. distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune: He felt anxiety about the possible loss of his job.
2. earnest but tense desire, eagerness: He has a keen anxiety to succeed in his work.
3. Psychiatry, a state of apprehension and psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder.

The antonyms are: 1. certainty, serenity, tranquillity

So, how exactly do we manage to reduce anxiety, and restore a healthier mind and body? Well, we seem to have many choices. We just have to be willing to do the homework. The thing is we’ve gathered many beliefs and opinions, and a question to think about is: are all those beliefs and opinions our own or were they passed down to us from here, there, and everywhere, and collected by us? Since we tend to largely base our choices on them, we need to know if they make any sense, and do we want to continue to keep them.

Most of the time we’re unaware of the daily choices we make, and if that’s the case we could be unaware of the way they’re affecting us and causing anxiety. In order to assess the why of anxiety in our life, we have to set aside some time to look deeply at what’s causing it and so we meditate. The answer will come when we give enough time and sincerity in finding the why of the anxiety.

The meaning of the word anxiety seems to indicate a need for a trust in Life, and to reduce anxiety we can begin by establishing a deep trust that there’s a grand reason for our being here. Doubts that say otherwise will come, and we have to let them go. They have power right now or there wouldn’t be any anxiety, as soon as trust in Life is rooted in us the power of our doubts will diminish.

So, how exactly do we establish a trust in Life? As in many situations, what works for one may not work for another. We have a list of choices: Books are wonderful guides; the right book in our hands is a great teacher and will guide us. We simply have to agree to set aside time to learn from them, to find those particular passages that connect to our spirit, and read them over and over until they’re absorbed and become a part of us, or read many books, each one advancing us in our pursuit of trust in Life. We have retreats galore to choose from the world over. We have to agree to go, and if necessary, go again and again. We have to agree with ourselves to not listen to stories – whether they be via tv, a family member, a friend, a newspaper, a movie – that cause anxiety. We find like-minded people who uplift us to hang out with. We choose our friends wisely. We find a way to spiritually unfold, a way that works for us.

Finally they’ll be that day when anxiety slips away and a trust in Life replaces it. If doubts surface once in a while, that’s okay. We can smile now, the doubts are harmless; we’re anchored in trust. Finally we’ve stepped away from the 24/7 three-ring circus we’ve been a part of for so long. We smile again knowing that the journey to rid ourselves of the stagnant beliefs and opinions of the world, and to capture and anchor trust in Life and in ourself offered many benefits. Now we can take a delightfully deep breath; we’re in an A-ha! moment.

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“. . . It is a process of diverting one’s scattered forces into one powerful channel. Just as a useless marsh may be converted into a field of golden corn or a fruitful garden by draining and directing the scattered and harmful streams into one well-cut channel, so, he who acquires calmness, and subdues and directs the thought currents within himself, saves his soul, and fructifies his heart and life.”
-James Allen

spices herbs plants

Many of us have just begun to realize the huge benefits of spices, herbs, and plants and allow them into our domain. They’ve always been there for us to learn about and use, though it seems many of us weren’t ready. However, judging from all the information available to us in this decade, we are ready now, right? In the light of that, let’s pay homage to a few spices, herbs, and plants.

I feel that the book, The Indian Grocery Store Demystified by Linda Bladholm, is a labor of love, and I highly recommend it. Lot and lots of information can be found in the easy-to-read, rather thick book. If I had a bookshop it would be openly displayed, and I’d amuse myself by watching how many people would stop, look, and happily buy.

Turmeric is “antibacterial, antiviral, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, and a diuretic,” – the list goes on. The above-mentioned book tells us about the benefits of turmeric. I take it stirred in R.W. Knudsen organic tomato juice, along with a dash of cayenne pepper, these three ingredients seem to agree with each other and produce a smooth-tasting drink. There’s no doubt about all the benefits, we just need to read and understand and be comfortable with what we’re ingesting, and think about the right dosage for our body. It’s certainly essential in the cuisine of India, not only in curries, pick up a cookbook and find that page after page turmeric is used.

Cayenne Pepper: The following website suggests a passion for cayenne pepper and to click on and read about its innumerable benefits is to know the why of the passion. www.healsa.co.za/cayennepepper.htm it’s written that it “was compiled by Dr. Schulze’s Curezone.com”

The Spice Terminal at Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia has cayenne pepper from Africa that’s 1,000 times spicier than what we’re accustomed to, and the person behind the counter said to take it very, very, very sparingly. I didn’t dare touch it, I’ll be back when I’m ready though. When I first began ingesting cayenne pepper I went into coughing fits at each attempt, and I often caught my “dear ones” rolling their eyes and saying, “Why are you doing this?” and “Stop taking it.” I couldn’t though because I knew that the benefits far outweighed the coughing time it took to get used to this spice. Now I happily shake it on fried eggs, into soups and stews, on cooked pasta, and stirred into drinks, etc. Indeed!

Just to let you know, the high quality of the teas at The Spice Terminal are irresistible, and lifting the glass lid off one of the containers of tea and having its wonderful fragrance come rushing out, is to be hooked, and then the words come tumbling out, “Excuse me, may I have half a pound and how much should I use when brewing a pot?”

Cinnamon, too, has healing properties that are many, put a piece of bark in your coffee cup, add it to the water you’re taking out with you for the day, sprinkle the powder on toast, in yogurt, – you’re limited only by your imagination. Let’s remember to pay attention to using the right amount and not go overboard. Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D sums up the benefits of cinnamon very nicely in the September/October 2011 Well Being Journal, under the title The Healing Remedies in Spices.

Gingerroot remedies has a long list, too. I’m looking at a book by Mark Stengler, ND on Natural Healing, and there are three pages about the healing properties of ginger. I think that that says something about this rhizome – “a stem that runs underneath the surface of the ground.” I’ve subscribed to Mark A. Stengler’s Natural Healing newsletters; he’s “in private practice in California…adjunct associate clinical professor at the National College of Natural Medicine, Portland Oregon…author of many books….”

It boggles the mind to learn just how numerous and beneficial herbs are (along with spices and plants). The simple title of a book by Maria Treben, HEALTH THROUGH GOD’S PHARMACY, gives us an idea, in few words, of the power of herbs to heal.

Triphala and constipation . . . in the book SPONTANEOUS HEALING, Dr. Andrew Weil, wrote . . . “Another Ayurvedic preparation, called triphala, is the best bowel regulator I have come across . . .” and, he continues, “it’s much better than Western herbal remedies for constipation.” The mixture of three herbs can be found in capsule form in health food stores.

Have you been to the Indian grocery store Kalustyans Foods in Manhattan? To see the array of spices, herbs, foods (upstairs, downstairs), etc. is a real treat. Triphala can also be found there.

Aloe Vera, I would be here all week if I had to summarize all the benefits of just these few spices, herbs, and plants, so again I’ll call upon a professional, Scott E. Miners, the Editor of Well Being Journal wrote about Aloe Vera and Digestive Health, along with Topical Healing Powers of Aloe Vera – Personal Stories of Healing, in the September/October 2011 issue

Snake Plant, this plant is wonderful and I talk to mine and thank it for doing what it does. It’s “the only plant that produces oxygen and removes carbon dioxide at night.” For the technical aspects of air purifying with

I’m a novice and there’s much to know. I find it all so fascinating, and so slowly, cautiously, and happily I’ll continue to explore and learn about the amazing world of spices, herbs, and plants – those that the Divine One created for the benefit of all living beings. You, too?

******* ******* *******

Lots of renovating went on at Reading Terminal Market; and, along with that, the owner of The Spice Terminal closed after many years — and so no more cayenne pepper from Africa and the whiffing of the fragrant teas in that space.

acupuncture for pets at coral veterinary clinic at fort myers, fla;

    Dogs and cats are wonderful pets and it’s becoming apparent that because they’re living side-by-side with people, they’re experiencing some similar health issues. Just as a lot of us are seeking alternative treatments for our healings, some pet owners are doing the same for their pet. When I read about dogs, cats, and even birds being treated with acupuncture for their ailments, I was interested because some of my friends have spent $4,000, and more, for their pet’s surgery. And since not every pet owner has the pocket money to spend on surgery, and not every pet is a candidate for surgery, and prescription medicines tend to have side affects and can easily add up; why not go the way of . . . yes, acupuncture. This is what’s happening at Fort Myers, Florida, and it would seem that at Coral Veterinary Clinic, a pet is in the best of hands when in the hands of Dr. David Nichols. Ah, what a good idea. The article is on pages 16, 17 in:

    Have you noticed that new ideas are steadily surfacing as a new slant is put on an old way of doing things? And have you noticed how, in time, something taken from an old way has the ability to expand in a most unexpected and pleasant new way? “Don’t let ancient knowledge become a thing of the past!” Qi, The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness

    * * * * * * *

    “God loved the birds
    and invented trees.
    Man loved the birds
    and invented cages”.
    -Jacques Deval

    “Strive to live unrestricted
    by your past experiences.”

jean houston

Lately when logging on to aol I see blog postings by well-known people who offer excellent information, and today Dr. Jean Houston – “Scholar, Philosopher, Researcher in Human Capacities” – posted “3 Keys to Living the Life You Want.” I can’t resist reading anything written by her. And so I read on and then clicked the print button as a few people will be happy to find a copy in the mail.

A lot of people have been writing about the global shift that’s taking place right now in all areas of life on earth. It wasn’t long ago when most of the writings were foreboding, interspersed with a few who wrote that the shift was ushering in great happenings and that we were to sit tight, trust the process, and lead a more compassionate life. The people reading what the foreboding articles and books had to say thought it was time to say their prayers and goodbyes because it seemed that death and destruction, and anything else of that ilk that the reader’s mind could imagine was on the way. If the mass consciousness buys into the doom and gloom we’re in big trouble.

However, the good news now from the experts writing – those who study all the angles of these matters and concerns and write from an intellectual, and perhaps spiritual view – is that something quite different is taking place and we can expect, after the global shift that’s presently taking place, a future that’s positively amazing, one that has previously not been experienced in the entire history of the world, one that will allow us to live life freely with new meaning, while recognizing and respecting our connection with all living things, including Mother Earth, and, additionally, to bring our own offerings to the world’s table confidently and fearlessly.

Jean Houston notes the reasons for people not being able to identify their life purpose, or, if they have, to not be able to fulfill it. She mentions our social systems and the way they are set up, and our limiting beliefs, and living our life within our “small story” that confines us to a “small self.” Her wonderful posting can be read on her websites, and it just might sing to many hearts.
along with The 3 Keys to Discovering and Living Your True Purpose – a Free Global Teleconference and Gathering with Dr. Jean Houston Tuesday SEPTEMBER 13, 5:30 pm PT Listen live by phone or online or download the recording anytime.

Jean Houston’s Mystery School is in it’s final year.

I hope your day is a lovely one.