controversy? or choices, changes, teachings

Before I clicked on, “Empty Spam,” a few words caught my eye, and I had to smile. They were: “Some of the things you say are controversial. . . .” Controversial: “clash of opposing views.”

But . . . opposite views seem a part of life, and help us to sort things out, so to speak. Most of what’s on this blog is light and sort of simple; I like simple. The words that inspire me over and over are: beauty, harmony, love, wisdom, joy, forgiveness, happy, compassion, understanding, fun, elegance, right action, change, laughter, courage, abundance and success (these last two words mean different things to different people). And the Divine. Controversial? – just choices to be made, changes taking place, teachings to ponder.

It often seems, however, that whenever we think we’ve found the “right” teaching from an “expert,” turn around and they’ll always be another “right” teaching” from a different “expert” saying the opposite of what we now hold to be true. I used to find this disconcerting, because it happened a lot. Now I understand that there’s room for many kinds of teachings because there are many kinds of people. And if we’re evolving the way we’re supposed to be, we might need to look around for something that will take us to the next step on our journey. If we stay at the same place, always thinking the same way, how will we ever find the next step?

There’s not just one mountain, one ocean, one kind of animal, one human face looking like all the others, etc. It would be intolerably boring if everything was the same. When we open our eyes really wide we’ll see that change is the spice of life. Many of us think that if we don’t rock our boat we’ll be secure and snug in our own little corner of the world. The funny thing is that when it’s time to evolve, our Higher Self will rock our boat until we fall out. (are you laughing yet?) Does that sound awful? I know, but in the long run it can be an energizing experience if we don’t resist. And quite possibly, after a time, we’ll say thank you for the change.

Choices, changes, teachings – we’re blessed; we have the ability to innately know what we need at any given time – if only we would stay quiet for a while, learn to listen and trust what the within is trying to tell us, and then hone the power within until we become the “expert” in our own life.

No controversy there, right?

It’s time to hit the road 🙂 What a lovely day – may the day be all you want it to be.

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There is another world and it is within this one.
– Paul Eluard

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
– Rumi (Coleman Barks, translator)

The music that ushered in the cosmos plays on,
inside us and around us.
– Brian Swimme

How can there be redemption and resurrection unless there
has been great sorrow? And isn’t struggle and rising
the real work of our lives?
– Mary Oliver

Work of the sight is done . . .
Now do heart work
On the pictures within you.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Which of the two powers is able to raise men to
the highest sphere, love or music? . . .
I think we may say, that while love can give us no idea of
music, music can realize the idea of love. But why separate
one from the other? The soul soars on the wings of both.
– Hector Berlioz

The beautiful quotes above are from: THE NATURE OF MUSIC Beauty, Sound, and Healing by Maureen McCarthy Draper.

alan cohen

Have you read a book, any book, by Alan Cohen? If not, I’m thinking that this coming weekend is as good a time as any to acquaint yourself with him, and the often lighthearted and interesting way he has of writing. Let’s see, The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, A Deep Breath of Life, and How Good Can It Get? are just three of the wonderful choices available.

I think his writings have a touch of grace, and that what he wants to impart to the reader is done seemingly without effort, and oftentimes with humor. Although, after all is said and done, it’s obvious that the humor allows for the thoughts to seep into the readers mind and slowly hit home without us being aware that that’s what’s happening.

Are you going away this weekend? If so, you might want to tuck an Alan Cohen book into your suitcase. Staying put this weekend? Take it to a cafe or a park. Working this weekend? Yours would be a nice soothing break if you could relax and read a few pages from one of his books – whichever one calls to you.

May tomorrow be an extraordinary day for you.

ron teeguarden and dragon herbs

Ron Teeguarden’s Dragon Herbs Elixir Bar in Los Angeles seems like a powerful way to add energy to a day, it also looks like a place of beauty. Let’s pretend that we’re at the Elixir Bar and we’re toasting to all the ways there are in the world of keeping body, mind, and emotions healthy.

Ron Teeguarden is widely recognized as one of the foremost herbalists in America. His classic book Chinese Tonic Herbs was written in 1984, and his website says that it “remains the best selling book on Chinese tonic herbalism to date in America” and that his wife Yanlin “is responsible for the beautiful ‘look’ associated with the Dragon Herbs stores, literature and packaging.” The website: tells of a remarkable story, and along with that, it has a lot of information.

I’ve requested a catalog, though after two attempts of offering name and address on the website, it’s not forthcoming. I just might have to take a Red Eye flight to visit the Elixir Bar; perhaps I’ll find a Dragon Herbs catalog there (oh, how inconvenient).

Lastly, I ask: What about opening an Elixir Bar in dear old Philadelphia? I can imagine that 😀


My friend has a dear one in her life who is being treated for depression, and so I began perusing a few books, magazines, and some subscription newsletters. It’s not a secret that there are many reasons for depression; the good news is that there are many treatments.

My frequently-looked-at resource book The Sunfood Diet Success System by David Wolfe suggests eating one or more melons in the morning for breakfast every day for 5-6 weeks. (He says that melons should always be eaten on an empty stomach.) And eat no other food until 12 noon. Why melons? He said they are rich in the B complex vitamins and the B complex vitamins bolster nerves. He also wrote that spells of depression are often associated with moments of low blood sugar, and that fruits should be eaten throughout the day to keep the blood sugar up. The short list of foods to avoid are: complex carbohydrates (rice, cookies, cakes, breads, french fries, baked potatoes), and alcohol which can cause erratic blood sugar fluctuations. (from experience I say that if you’ve ever been in the presence of a person who has low blood sugar you’ll want to carry a melon with you whenever you meet that person.)

Also, in the September/October 2011 Well Being Journal from the U.K. there’s an article titled Importance of Vitamin B12. In the article is mentioned that many people who are suffering from various illnesses actually have a vitamin B12 deficiency. If you know of anyone who is going through depression, you might want to read the article, in fact, I’d say that reading the whole magazine is well-worth the time and effort.

Clara De La Luna, Epoch Times Staff, in an article called Meditation Causes Changes in Brain Structure – Brain scans show increases in gray-matter density, wrote that: “Meditation” derives from the Latin root “mederi,” meaning “to heal.” And that: “In July 1977, the American Psychological Association recognized meditation as an important healing agent and a facilitator of the therapeutic process.”

In her book HERBS – Nature’s Medicine Chest, Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D. also wrote that “one of the primary roles of the B-complex vitamins in the body is to keep the nervous system functioning well, and deficiencies of these vitamins are associated with nerve problems, and an increase in stress-related symptoms such as depression. . . .”

Louise Hay in her book HEAL YOUR BODY – THE MENTAL CAUSES FOR PHYSICAL ILLNESS AND THE METAPHYSICAL WAY TO OVERCOME THEM has a listing from A to Y. I’m looking at the word “Depression,” and the metaphysical reason: “Anger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness. And the affirmation: “I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my life.”

A wonderful book to have is ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. I have BOOK 2. John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus wrote about this book: “It’s easy. It’s fast. And it works! I love this program.” I looked in the index for depression and on page 258-259 is a story of how the Five Rites worked for a couple, George and Lynell Roberts, who were given the book by their daughter. The story tells of how the Five RITES greatly helped them. Then a tragedy struck and the FIVE RITES were stopped, and George went into a depression. When he finally resumed them, he said, “something changed.” – his energy, his thinking. will to survive, etc. I think the book, from beginning to end, just might catch your attention, if you give it a try.

On page 224, Deepak Chopra wrote in LIFE AFTER DEATH that depression is rooted in abnormal uptake of the brain chemical serotonin.” And if you are interested in reading more, may I suggest that you read this excellent book.

Yoga, qi gong and tai chi, – the books and articles and talks seem endless about their ability to change body, mind, spirit when we consistently practice these ancient arts.

And let’s not forget the efficacy of herbs and spices, castor oil packs.

The exploration for treatments indicates that we live in a world having many possibilities.

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It is easy to be the person you have always been, for it requires no change, no self-reflection, and no growth. It may appear that changing yourself requires giving up something. In reality, there is no need to give up anything – you must simply add to what has been.

Develop a profound belief in the universal law of cause and effect – the empowering conviction that we all ultimately direct our own lives.

Fall seven times, stand up eight. – Japanese proverb

There has never been, nor will there ever be a life free from problems. It is not the presence of problems but how we tackle them that determines the quality of our lives.

The mind is a powerful and mysterious force. It can make the best of the worst and the worst of the best.

Focus less on treating the symptoms than on eliminating the cause.

Change for the better requires effort. Change for the worse needs none.

If that which is within is not right, it is futile to pray for that which is without. – Japanese proveb

Until we learn the lessons inherent in unpleasant experiences, they will continue to hold power over us, and we will feel compelled to repeat them.

Intuition transcends the limitations of reason.

A Little Book of Eastern Wisdom by Taro Gold

about us

In her book, The Soul of Money, Lynne Twist wrote: “Mother Teresa once noted what she called ‘the deep poverty of the soul’ that afflicts the wealthy, and had said that the poverty of the soul in America was deeper than any poverty she had seen anywhere on earth.'”

On her blog, 3 Keys to Living the Life You Want, Jean Houston wrote, “. . . But now there is an open moment in history where you have the chance to tap into the soul of your purpose. . . .” and she wrote, “Most people hold on to old, limiting beliefs of themselves and our human story. . . .” and, “The third key gives you the means to break free from unconscious, habitual ways of reacting to life that were born thousands of years ago, and embrace higher ways of being for a new era. You will discover ways to move through life with ebullience in your bones and an appetite for celebration –seeing everything as an expression of the creator. You will move through life, motivated not by guilt or obligation, but by gratitude and an abiding zest for doing the things that are called forth by living out of your higher purpose.”

In the book, The Healing Power of Mind, Tulku Thondup wrote, “If we habitually dwell on and struggle with the negative side of our situation, our whole mentality, perception, and experience will inexorably become negative and filled with suffering. Seeing a problem as negative, constantly thinking and talking about how awful or painful it is, makes even minor problems insurmountably big and solid like a mountain, sharp like a knife, and dark as night. . . .”

In the book, Your Life Is Your Message, Eknath Easwaran wrote, “. . ., in order to live in inner freedom, you have to learn how to slow down your mind, bring it to a restorative stillness, and park it anywhere you like – in patience, say, or compassion, or love.”

In the movie, The Burmese Harp directed by Kon Ichikawa, are these words, “. . . Why must the world suffer such misery? Why must there be such inexplicable pain? As the days passed, I came to understand. I realized that, in the end, the answers were not for human beings to know, that our work is simply to ease the great suffering of the world, To have the courage to face suffering, senselessness and irrationality without fear, to find the strength to create peace by one’s own example. I will undergo whatever training is necessary for this to become my unshakable conviction. . . .”

In the CD, The Flowering of Human Consciousness, Eckhart Tolle said, “Humanity has come to the end of suffering. As a species we have suffered enough. To be free, no other suffering is necessary.”

In the DVD, How to Know God, Deepak Chopra said, “When we are attuned to our soul, which is the same as deeply going inward, we are able to listen in the silence to the subtle messages of wisdom and guidance. When our minds merge with God’s mind, we become aware that God is in all things – that we are eternal.”

In the book, Everyday Karma, Carmen Harra wrote, “Once you bring a problem to the surface, and face it, healing can begin. I also think that healing takes place when a person begins to put order in his life, when he restores balance. One of the most effective ways to restore balance and maintain a sense of wholeness is by resolving your karma in your daily life. You will find that restoring your karma will make you feel better and prevent many types of illnesses and physical complaints. Resolving your karma strengthens your immune system! When people get enmeshed in emotional drama, their energy field becomes vulnerable and that is when they can get sick.”

In the book, As a Man Thinketh, James Allen wrote, “Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life. Men imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it cannot, it rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstnace.”

In the book, The Advent of the Cosmic Viewpoint, Bryant Reeve wrote, “. . . But as we rise to higher levels of consciousness – as we attain higher viewpoints of life then the very laws of nature tend to change. Also, the electrical phenomena of life change, the energies of life are different, the norm of living changes. The actual realities of life are different. The limitations become fewer. The very “facts of life” change as we rise in consciousness! This is why miracles are possible. They are manifestations of higher laws which become available to higher levels of consciousness.”

In the book, Divine Transformation, part of the Soul Power Series, written by #1 New York Times Bestseller Author Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha – trained as a conventional medical doctor and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, Grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qi gong, kung fun, I Ching, and feng shui and an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China – wrote, “. . . In all seven books, the Divine has continued to offer divine treasures to every reader. Why is the Divine doing this? We are in Mother Earth’s transition period. Mother Earth’s transition is the purification process of Mother Earth. The root cause of Mother Earth’s transition is the bad karma of humanity and Mother Earth. . . . The one-sentence secret of karma is: Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life.”

I hope your day is as wonderful as you want it to be.

looking at the world through rose-colored glasses


Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, what does this mean exactly? I’ve heard the expression a handful of times, and so, for once and for all, decided to find out where those words originated. It seems though that no one knows the origin, and explanations tend to vary. So perhaps the origin is not as important as looking through those rose-colored glasses.

Years ago I picked up a very simple and very small book written in 1940 by Frances Wilshire in which she gave a no-nonsense reason for looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. I liked what she wrote, and so I tried it out. Now some people think that when you see the world this way you’re creating a lovely little la la land for yourself, and that you’re somewhat of an idiot. No matter, I try to keep them on because what Frances Wilshire wrote rang true for me. Will they ring true for you? Well, you can only know by looking through them yourself.

When we were at the Jersey Shore Sumi gave her copy of O Magazine to me, and as I turned O’s pages, there, in wonderful big red letters, were the words, “In Praise of Rose-Colored Glasses” and under the caption was written: “The world we live in is a hard, scary place, and only getting worse. So do what Martha Beck does: Get out there and enjoy it.”

In the article Martha Beck writes of feeling guilty for looking at the world through rose-colored glasses when all systems on our planet appear to be going to pot. And so for years she couldn’t sustain a happy feeling when looking through those rose-colored glasses.

Then she wrote: “But over the years, as I’ve seen what leads to positive change and what doesn’t, I’ve become a sort of joy hound. I now agree with the poet Jack Gilbert: ‘We must have the stubborness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.’ and she wrote: “This isn’t narcissistic pleasure-seeking. It’s the way to make your own life work and give your best to the world.”

To the above, I say, Yes! Because when we’re steeped in fear, in negativity, our life becomes heavy, and a negative pattern promotes more negativity. On the other hand, focusing on the good that we see in the world tends to bring more of the same.

I’ll quote another passage because I can’t write it any better. Here it is: “. . . We must admit there will be music despite everything.” Or as Pablo Neruda wrote,

Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
…it opens for me all
the doors of life.

And this, “The more you defy your innate negativity bias, building from your strengths, finding relief, and embracing delight wherever you can, the more you become a walking cyclone of peace. The repercussions of one person living in stubborn acceptance of gladness are incalculably positive. Become that person, and you’ll find that in spite of everything, there is music. . . .”

Read the entire article (don’t skip, “the so-called 90-second rule”) in the September 2011 issue of O The Oprah Magazine, and then test out those rose-colored glasses

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“To enter the Spiritual World, in imagination put on rose-colored glasses, and through them you will be able to expand your thought of beauty into fuller expression, by seeing everything in the color and hue of perfection. Then you are seeing in the light of beauty, with Spiritual vision.” – Frances Wilshire

planting the seeds

Monitoring ourselves is a good idea when listening to the nightly news, reading mainstream newspapers and magazines, watching tv, talking about and listening to problems – ours and others, surfing the internet, and when choosing movies and books. When we’re not diligent about monitoring what we’re subjecting ourselves to we’re inviting our energy to be zapped causing low vibrations, and a day that won’t serve us well. A lot of what’s out there keeps us focused on nonsensical and negative things that plant seeds of discontentment. Those kind of seeds have a way of showing up at any time, and when we’re not watching, we’re captured, captivated, and affected whether we know it or not.

Removing ourselves for as long as it takes to restore our vision of what we want our life to be paves the way for a healthier life for ourselves and others. Our life is a gift. We have an imagination; it’s also a gift, and we can use it and not let it use us. We have intuition and it’s our friend, e.g. we could be with someone who seems perfectly okay, however, somehow we feel drained when with that person. It happens, we need to step away and ask (our intuition) what’s going on. When we listen to it we encourage it to respond to us; it wants to help and it will if we let it.

Every so often I put on a disc from the 15-part series of the extraordinary documentary A HISTORY OF BRITAIN by the award-winning historian, Simon Schama. It reminds that in the course of history people come and go, situations don’t stay the same, and throughout the ages certain people want what they want no matter the cost. It’s a heavy history lesson this documentary, and to me it indirectly teaches that in this day and age we can make our life a work of art and not hand it over willy nilly to outside influences.

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“I gazed in the river’s direction. The Nile! What magic lies in that name? Twice every day the priests of Egypt had to bathe their bodies in its waters in order to preserve their purity, and twice every night. In India the Brahamin priests do the same thing today, for the same purpose; save that they pour the waters of the Ganges or Godivari over themselves, and save that they do not disturb their nights. Both Egyptions and Indians had the same theory – that man picks up an invisible personal magnetism from his contact and intercourse with other persons, and that frequent washings were neessary to get rid of these acquired influences, which might so often be undesirable, if not worse.” page 200
A Search In Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton

“Do you know the meditations of our poet Rumi? He has written that there is no reason for fear. It is our imagination that blocks us just as a wooden bolt holds the door.”

“The deeper the self-realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux.” – Swami Sri Yukteswar

“Faith dares the soul to go further than it can see.” William Clarke

“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

A Philosophers Notes – A great new site for spiritual expansion

I happened to come across a new site that I think is really worth taking a look at

The “Chief Philosopher” of the site, the very well-spoken and positive professional, Brian Johnson, has put together a website with pdf synopsis’/mp3 audio clips and a plethora of other sections geared to providing information gleaned from 100 personal growth books. Johnson picked the 100 books mentioned, which date from history to present day, that he had found to be most influential. Many of the titles such as “The Four Agreements” and “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” are very recognizable, and Johnson’s clean breakdowns act as effective guides in highlighting key points. The nice thing about the breakdowns, is that they don’t act as replacements for the books, in fact, Johnson usually begins by saying something similar to “You must read this book,” or “Only read this book if you want to change your life.”
Think of it as sort of a book club/school for personal growth.

In addition to the book sections, Johnson provides individual segments on energy, courage, and more. The goal being to create a strong personal core for success in all parts of your life. There are also “Blissations,” subliminal messages you can have personally made for you. When it’s bedtime, check out the meditating sleep noise, such as ocean sounds (I am a fan). I’m glad to have come across this website. I think it’s a great boost during the day and a good way to see a glimpse at a number of powerful books, we may not have discovered on our own.

Have you used the site? We’d be interested in hearing your feedback, too!

body mind spirit

There’s an excellent seemingly endless stream of information on how to heal body, mind, and spirit, and keep the balance, and the information is utterly exciting. With that in mind I strolled into a bookstore and checked out the July/August 2011 issue of Ode Magazine. For Intelligent Optimists is written on the cover of Ode. Therefore, keeping an open mind on all that’s offered to the reader in any given issue is part of the enjoyment of reading Ode. It usually reports on people who are thinking outside the box, people who excuse themselves from the every day way of thinking so that they’re able to implement exciting changes in the area of their expertise. There are a lot of magazines out there, and month after month a lot of magazines offer the same kind of articles – different words and pictures, but the same. Ode is not the same.

What to read first? – is always the question. Ahh, let’s begin with biophotons . . . “faint light waves emitted by cells, to help the body heal.” The article features Johan Boswinkel who “believes Biophoton Treatment – healing with light – ‘should become primary healthcare.’ ” It’s a Wow! story by editor-in-chief, Jurriaan Kamp, and anyone having thoughts about how to treat a particular health problem might want to read the article beginning on page 27. Discoveries pertaining to body, mind, and spirit, and the possibilities for healings that they present, are causing us to stretch our imaginations and open ourselves to the Universe’s offerings way beyond the way we once perceived things.

In that same issue is a wonderful article about Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by Ursula Sautter on the need to “spiritualize politics, socialize business and secularize religion.” He talks about laughter, meditation, and, something that’s of great importance to all of us during the day, breathing deeply and powerfully. The not-to-be-missed articles go on and on in Ode.

When there’s a newspaper, magazine, or book about Feng Shui in sight of someone, I’ve noticed that people will pick it up and begin reading; most of us find Feng Shui a fascinating topic. In Qi The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness magazine Spring 2011 there’s an article by James Frank Loretta called The Hidden Energies Behind Feng Shui. It’s the 5th in a series of reprints from his book with the same title. I think that anyone remotely interested in Feng Shui will be glued to the article. And the book, well, I just might have to get it.

One other consideration before wishing you all an extraordinary day is this, on page 3 of Qi magazine: “A 1,800-year old Chinese herbal remedy for an upset stomach may boost the effectiveness of chemotherapy while reducing its side effects, according to a study conducted by researchers from Yale University and published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.” The herbal remedy is “known traditionally” as Huang Qin Tang.

Ahh, the wonder of it all!

Y’all have an extraordinary day now.

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“He built an instrument that can measure disturbances in the body and correct them. Using that instrument, he and the hundreds of people he has trained in the past 20 years have helped thousands of people banish serious diseases and troublesome ailments.” – Standing in the Light by Jurriaan Kamp

“DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE Sri Sri Ravi Shankar developed a simple but effective breathing technique, the Sudarshan Kriya. ‘it dissolves the deeper stresses in our bodies and cleanses the system from the inside,’ he says, ‘A stress-free mind and a disease-free body are the birthright of every human being.’ Regular practice reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol and the stress indicator lactic acid.”
-Celebrate harmony in diversity by Ursula Sautter

“Our civilization prides itself on having subdued Nature. We move mountains and clear forests with no real intelligent design, without regard for the age old balance of Yin and Yang, without awareness of the principles of the ancient wind and water science: ‘For example, the presence of mountains reduces the incidence of strong winds which blow topsoil away, exposing barren rock and sand on which nothing will grow, while the mountain, in addition to shielding from the wind, also brings precipitation which nourishes life.’ ” -The Hidden Energies Behind Feng Shui by James Frank Loretta

“. . . there is now a growing interest among Western researchers in uncovering new applications of traditional healing techniques, from herbalism to acupuncture to yoga. This shift is based in part on the realization that traditional medical practices have been healing people far longer than Western medicine has.”
-Chinese Herbs Proven to Help Halt Cancer. page 3, 6 Qi

thinking about bees and thinking about skin

Finally an answer to the puzzle of why bees are dying off in developed Western countries. After many scientific studies it’s been realized that “one group of agricultural toxins – neonicotinoid pesticides – is a major contributor to their rapid demise.” It’s good to know that bees are returning to the four European countries that have banned these products. Check out the websites urging us to help save the bees.
Thank you, for the information.

and thinking about skin:

Parabens or any ingredient that ends with this word – affects hormones

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) – toxic contaminant

Sodium lauryl, or laureth, sulfate – contaminant that may cause skin damage

Triclosan and triclocarban antibacterials – present potential thyroid concerns

Triethanolamine (TEA) – contaminant that may trigger allergies

Dimethylol Dimethyl (DMDM) hydantoin and Imidazolidinyl urea – preservatives that release formaldehyde

Fragrance and dyes – may cause allergies or cancer and affect the nervous system

Methylchloroisothiazolinone and Methylisothiazolinone – preservatives that may cause allergies and affect the nervous system (Phew! Need to watch the spelling of those words).

The following website will guide us in learning about products that won’t harm our skin:

* * * * * * *

“The situations, circumstances, events and relationships that you encounter in your life are a reflection of the state of consciousness you are in. The world is a mirror. If you are anchored in your nonlocal self the whole world is available to you.” – Deepak Chopra, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

“All the greatest beings who have ever strolled through the Earth’s gardens have been people of transcendent faith. Every one of them had a tranquil attitude and a calm belief in the helpful powers of invisible forces. These forces are always available to everyone!” – David Wolfe, The Sunfood Diet Success System