
Sometimes we happen upon a website that simply grabs our attention and doesn’t let go. For the past month for me that website is with Bob Olson. He has been researching the spirit world for twelve years, and in a video on his website, “From Private Investigator to Afterlife Investigator – The True Story” he talks about how he, a skeptic who has a degree in criminal justice and wanted to work for the FBI, or an organization of that ilk, became a private investigator instead, and “fell into” becoming a psychic medium investigator after the death of his father. It’s been written many times that there are no accidents, and it’s obvious that his years as a PI prepared him for his years as an afterlife investigator. It greatly helps to know his background, he said that he stopped counting after interviewing 300 mediums before agreeing that the spirit world, and all it implies, is a very real world. After one reading with a medium, “concrete convincing evidence came through,” and, he said, “that’s when I realized that there’s more to life and death than I ever realized.” Of course, it’s not mandatory to listen to the video in which he discusses his background, though it’s engrossing; however, your belief will be strengthened, and you’ll feel confident and comfortable in taking in his words because you’ll understand that he knows what he’s talking about.

There is a video on afterlifetv titled, What Happens In The Afterlife To People Who Commit Suicide.” it’s an exceptional video, and it can help anyone who is grieving for a loved one who has passed on in this way reach a new understanding.

Also are “two resources for locating legitimate psychic mediums,” and they are: and

When I was young there was an old cemetery not far from where I lived, and I would take a book and go there. Reading the book took second place; reading the names and dates on tombstones took priority. It’s okay; you can call me odd. Though I’m betting that there are a lot of people who feel the same as I do. I feel comfortable in cemeteries and feel that life and death are nicely connected. All we need do is look at the beauty of the world – not necessarily man’s creation, but God’s.

May your dreams be sweet tonight.

“. . . Many years later, Dr. Alexis Carrel – then a famed surgeon awarded the Nobel Prize for his medical research and discoveries, wrote, ‘We must liberate man from the cosmos created by the genius of physicists and astronomers, that cosmos in which, since the Renaissance, he has been imprisoned. We now know that we . . . extend outside the physical continuum. . . . In time, as in space, the individual stretches out beyond the frontiers of his body. . . . He also belongs to another world.'”
– Divine Interventions by Dan Millman and Doug Childers

La Grotta in Richmond, Virginia, The clean program, the joe cross film fat, sick, & nearly dead, tinkyada pasta


Over two weeks of scrumptious food was savored during a visit to Alicia’s and Michael’s happy and lovely home in Richmond, Virginia, None of us had the wherewithal to lasso in the others when it came to choosing where and what to eat during the times we ate out at Richmond’s many excellent restaurants. One evening we ate at La Grotta, and were immersed in old world charm. I would definitely return; being there was a pleasure. For dessert I recommend the coconut cake. You might have to make sure that those with you have something tasty in front of them, otherwise it becomes all about sharing, and you know what that means.

After that kind of eating we agreed that once again the Clean Program from the book CLEAN by Dr. Alejandro Junger would be a delight. We were ready for the lightness and clarity that comes with the program – the juicing, the smoothies, the meals from the menu section of the book, and the suggestions for detoxing.

Also, watching the Joe Cross Film, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD (and crying for the people when listening to their stories) is an incredible incentive when wanting to change eating habits. Viewing this movie can change the way we look at food when seeing the suffering faces of people who are sick and overweight, but don’t have a clue as to how to help themselves. The film makes us understand that it’s within all of us to be able to make powerful changes, and shows what can happen when we’re open to change, and ready to take action. It’s beautiful!


And when it comes to enjoying pasta, what a joy it is to know about “WHEAT FREE GLUTEN-FREE GOOD CONSISTENT TEXTURE NOT MUSHY AL DENTE” Tinkyada Pasta. Alicia prepared a meal this way – more or less: She sautéed chopped onions in olive oil, and added lots of garlic. Other ingredients added to the big cast iron pot were mushrooms, kale, spinach, and fresh peas. Also, stirred into that pot were two handfuls of pine nuts, a sprinkling of good quality sesame seeds, shakes of Celtic salt, and twists of tasty pepper. Then the cooked Tinkyada spaghetti was mixed into those ingredients. If you like avocados, slice one and serve with nori along with the pasta meal. Absolutely delicious! Now here comes the hard part, we Americans have to try very hard to remember two words, and the two words are: PORTION CONTROL.


Let’s enjoy this fine misty rain of an evening.


“Your progress depends on your ability to eject old ideas and set opinions. You are fortunate if you have no set opinions.” – Venice Bloodworth

joshua bell and an experiment

Rush hour in many major cities is an intense time. This story though is about so much more. Last year I experienced “rush hour” when waiting for someone at Grand Central Station. I was standing in front of a store window when suddenly many people raced by – a stampede is what it was. They began brushing up against me; I started to think I had become invisible. I was occupying a small space and moving a few inches back wasn’t a possibility. I won’t say anymore except that the insanity will stop when we fully understand the power of the present moment.

This remarkable story has been traveling around by way of email.

“A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the
violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for
about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was r…ush hour, it was
calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on
their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was
musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds,
and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman
threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him,
but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he
was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother
tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the
violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to
walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by
several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced
them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and
stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk
their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and
silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there
any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most
talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most
intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a
theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro
station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social
experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The
outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour:
Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize
the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:

“If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best
musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many
other things are we missing?”

******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* *******
“It’s foolish how we rush through life and cry that time is on the wing. We’re living in eternity, and time is just a clockmade thing.” – R. McCann


phineas parkhurst quimby

Every so often I read the “spam” that finds its way to this site. Some are funny (thanks for the laughs), nicely written, and, once in a while, there’s that one person who gets carried away with thinking, usually about politics. And I’m a little concerned about this one person who seems to spend too much time with politics-as-usual: the shenanigans – putting it mildly – of the stock market, banks, corporations, big pharma, all that campaign money, lack of honest presidential candidates (except one), etc. I have to ask, Have you any solutions? Are you holding family and friends hostage, and forcing them to listen to your take on these subjects? You know what they say, focus on solutions, not on problems. Perhaps you have to start looking outside the box. Start with a copy of Ode magazine. It tends to inspire; the editor and writers look outside the box. Or, if you just want to complain, maybe you could buy a journal and write, write, write. At the end of a month, read it. You might discover something about yourself.

Strangely, the above somehow reminds me of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. Long ago I bought a 56-page book written in 1951 by Ann Ballew Hawkins. Have you heard about Dr. Quimby? Well, he was born in New Hampshire in 1802, and lived in Maine most of his life. He was a clockmaker. What he really wanted to do though was to focus on the mind of man and how to get man to use the Mind of God. He spend much of his time exploring this topic, and, through trial and error, arrived at a conclusion. He had to do his own homework as in those days information wasn’t at his fingertips. What he had was a bible which he studied unrelentingly, and with, “elementary pioneer work he discovered Spiritual Truth through experiment, patient research, and revelation.” Finally, he was able to heal.

He said the same things in many different ways “hammering” the Truth into those who needed healing. He often said, “Christ is God.” and, “The inner man is Christ.” He sought to prove this scientifically so that he could explain Spiritual Truth to his patients. That’s exactly what he did; healing thousands of people. Ann Ballew Hawkins wrote that” Dr. Quimby “worked upon scientific principles, the philosophy of which was perfectly explained by him and understood by the patient.

And so, Mr. politics-as-usual spammer, let’s focus on this from Dr. Quimby: “What we do not want in experience must not be entertained in thought.”

It’s Saturday, many are out walking and enjoying. Let’s enjoy, too.



watkins books

On Friday I had a fractured tooth extracted (Dr. H. Fraiman’s skill in that matter is greatly appreciated), and while waiting for the swelling to disappear, and for the stitched space where the tooth once was to adjust, I read Watkins Issue 28 of Body Mind Spirit. In the pages of the magazine, writers who have books recently published give a synopsis of their thoughts and of the way they approached the writing of their book, or a bit more is given on their chosen subject. What I enjoy most about Watkins is the variety of writings on the very broad topic of mind body spirit. What better way to feel better, whether from a tooth extraction or a more serious situation, than to focus body mind spirit on wholeness.

Had I known years ago that a place called Watkins Books existed, I would have, lickety-split, found a way to get to London. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Since then, I’ve heard extraordinary stories of the atmosphere of the place, of the feeling customer’s got from just being there, and of the books and the customers themselves. In a feature titled, Mysteries and Secrets The Power of Modern Spirituality, the title of his book, William Bloom expertly describes the Watkins Books of decades ago. But that was then, and this is now, and now is wonderful, too, just in a very different way.

In the magazine, it’s written that: “John Watkins was a friend and disciple of H.P. Blavatsky and was himself personally involved in seeing the first edition of ‘The Secret Doctrine,’ her great metaphysical classic, through his printing press.” and that, “The idea of founding the bookshop is said to have occurred to Mr. Watkins in a conversation with Madame Blavatsky in which she lamented the fact that there was nowhere in London one could buy books on mysticism, occultism,and metaphysics.” And so, Watkins was founded in 1893.

The last page has been turned, and the day is lovely; let’s enjoy.


madan lloyd

It’s taken a long time for me to read The Watkins Review Mind Body Spirit, Issue 27. Since this past summer I’ve been transporting it by way of tote bag, suitcase, hand always thinking I’ll find a cafe, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, and read. However, with this magazine it’s not that simple, the reading of it doesn’t get very far because many of the articles are worthy of consideration as they’re not the kind that allow going from page to page, and then casting out the magazine. They seem to want to be read, and savored throughout the day, and somewhere along the way, the question becomes, why are they special in my life?

This morning I began reading DIANA’S LEGACY The Death and Rebirth of a Monarchy by Madan Lloyd who “is the UK Co-ordinator for the New Earth Olympics 2012, a free-to-enter online video competition in 12 categories, running concurrently with the London Olympics.” The following is an exquisite, not-to-be-missed website pertaining to this: All of a sudden tears started welling up in my eyes because the writer, after lovingly writing about the former princess, takes an abrupt turn – still tying in with the idea – just taking it in an entirely different direction. It’s a powerful piece of writing; it keeps in mind love’s power, while it touches upon this Planet’s heavy topics.

And he mentions Prince Charles, and William and Kate, and then writes: “. . . and we all badly need a real live fairytale love story like this one, not least because the happy ending is the timely and definitive demise of an empire built on lies, deceit and outrageous abuse of the sacred process of education, by which every man, woman and child on Planet Earth – regardless of race, creed, colour or social status – possesses the divine right of equal access to all information and instruction regarding how to make the very best use of this precious human life.”

And then, in his poetic style, he writes: “. . . as a bright new sun rises at the end of a long, dark night when corporate predators – most notable of banking, oil and pharmaceutical persuasion – preyed mercilessly on every innocent life they could entrap within the deadly web of their economic and media manipulations.” – I somehow lost it for a few minutes. And I had to wonder, why tears when reading this particular article?

I think it’s a special person who can write about corruption, greed, power – those topics that especially weigh heavily on us – while managing to keep an eye on the importance of every human being and, or course, on the power love can play in the world. A writer with heart and new wisdom has the ability to touch upon heavy topics using few words – the right words – and having those words stab at the reader’s heart – in a good way.

The next article in The Watkins Review: Eros, Buddha & the Spectrum of LOVE, an interview with ANDREW COHEN; GURU and KEN WILBER: PANDIT which took place at the Boulder Integral Center. I wonder what you’d think of this interview. If you don’t have the magazine, and want to read it, check out

Are you having a beautiful day? I hope so.

thanksgiving day

Now seems a good time to prepare for the thanksgiving part of the day, and have it be a real awareness of gratitude. We all should have the specially prepared food down pat with all the help from magazines, cookbooks, etc. The food of: roast turkey (or, if we’re in the south, deep-fried turkey), the kind of gravy and stuffing we want to eat at least once a month, cranberry sauce, mashed or roasted sweet or white potatoes, green beans, or brussel sprouts, or collard greens, warmed bread/rolls, a drink for toasting, and then there’s the dessert, with tea or a special kind of coffee and, oh yes, perhaps a few drops of Amaretto in it.

Truthfully, I don’t usually remember to say a thank you before meals, and when I do I’m aware that’s it’s done quickly, and not as thoughtfully as it should be. So one recent morning I decided to say a proper thank you for my breakfast which consisted of Gaia chia in a glass of water, and later coffee, and toasted bread with butter and jam. The interesting part is that once I started with the thank you I couldn’t stop. Never did I suspect that so many were involved in this simple breakfast.

The coffee, Organic Fair Trade Shade Grown Ethiopioan was purchased at Trader Joe’s. I began thinking of the people who plant the organic coffee beans (my knowledge is limited; I could only imagine), and carefully supervise it, the best beans are considered, coffee is transported by truck to the marketplace, negotiations, purchasing, packaging, the traveling to selected stores (what does all that take?), trucks arrive at stores, coffee is stored, or placed on shelves by the employees. Then we, the customers, arrive, and pay the cashier. It’s bagged, and off we go. And that’s only the coffee.

Then I noticed the Wedgewood cup and saucer, a gift that came from Japan, the plate from Indonesia, the knife, the wheat sandwich bread from Metropolitan Bakery in Philadelphia, the jam from France, the butter from Iceland, the cinnamon sticks for the coffee from Viet Nam, the French Press, the toaster. How many people were involved before this simple breakfast found its way to my table?

It’s not necessary to say thank you to everyone involved, of course, – the Creator is the important One. Though I discovered that thoroughness has it’s own reward, and sitting quietly for a one-time thorough thank you brought a heightened sense of awareness to what those words mean. And after all these years, on this Thanksgiving Day I’ll finally be able to say a heartfelt thank you.

I want to wish you all an enjoyable, full-of-laughter, satisfying Thanksgiving Day. And where ever you find yourself, whomever you’re with, and whatever you’re eating, enjoy thoroughly.

Let’s cook

What to cook? What about pasta, onions, and mashed sweet potatoes, sprinkled with spices, salt, pepper, and olive oil or coconut oil?

First the planning: This dish easily lends itself to an increase or decrease of ingredients, it depends on your tastes. As long as the penne is dressed with enough cayenne pepper, Celtic salt (or another good quality salt), pepper, organic spices, a good quality olive oil or coconut oil, it should be a delicious meal.

The  ingredients:

1 lb. organic Penne

2 or 3 large sweet potatoes

1 T. diced ginger

2 or 3 large organic onions, halved lengthwise, then sliced

1 T. garlic, chopped

cayenne pepper

turmeric, cumin, cardamon

olive oil, or coconut oil

Boil enough water for penne.

Put the thinly-sliced sweet potatoes in a medium-sized pot and cover the bottom with water. Add chopped ginger and gently simmer until soft. Check on them a few times. Stir during the cooking, also check that there’s enough water. When cooked mash them in the pot along with the ginger. Set aside.

In the meantime, add penne to the boiled water, and boil according to directions.

Heat at least two tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil, and saute the two sliced large onions slowly. When transparent add the chopped garlic and a few shakes, or more, depending on taste, of turmeric, cumin, and cardamon, continue to cook until nicely browned. Then add a few shakes of salt and pepper. Mix the onion mixture with the penne, cayenne pepper, and olive oil or coconut oil. Then add the mashed sweet potatoes, along with a few shakes of salt and pepper, more or less depending on taste, and mix very well.

Serve and enjoy.

Last week I prepared this in Richmond for Alicia and Michael. They liked it, and asked if I would please prepare it again the next evening. I said, “Why not?”

Have an extraordinary day!

hybrid foods

When I go into Whole Foods and see the words, “seedless strawberries” and “seedless grapes” and “seedless watermelons” and “seedless raisins” etc. I wonder what exactly is going on with the altering of our food. Those “hybrid foods” are full of unnatural sugars, chemicals, and pesticides. They have no nutritional worth. The people who have taken it upon themselves to alter our foods are, shall we say (it’s important here to use the right words), a greedy bunch. The Creator made these perfect foods to nourish living creatures. Those who are mindlessly tampering with Earth’s bounty to make themselves rich are serving no one, not even themselves. Eventually, the greedy ones will have to pay the piper for thinking that the Earth is theirs to do with as they please.

This morning I picked up the book, Agartha by Meredith Lady Young and read the passage:
“While the use of chemicals has forced larger production, it is hollow production, for there is no integrity in this kind of bloom or grain. It exists without the permission of the plant. The plant is forced to produce-not allowed to produce-and herein lies the difference. Because violation of plants by this force-feeding method actually shortens its life cycle and eliminates any joy in the production process. Nature’s usefulness as a continuing food source is becoming diminished. The food which is produced is filled with the artificial, negative aspects of creation and lacks the overriding positive energy infused in the natural growing cycle. Even the water is becoming so acidic and filled with pollutants that basic water replenishment is no longer possible. How can health be produced from plants which are prevented from having a proper relationship with the essential elements which provide for joyful and complete growth? How is man to know that the planet suffers if he is deaf to any perceptual interchange?”

Agartha was published in 1984. I can only imagine what the greedy ones have done with our food since then.

Is there anyone who understands how the greedy ones can put money before living beings? Life is short, living at the expense of others is risky. Maybe they don’t believe in an afterlife, or in karma. Maybe they’re wrong. Maybe we need to find a way to set them straight so that Planet Earth will thrive once again. Does anyone have any ideas?

* * * * * * *

Greediness, an excessive, extreme desire for something, often more than one’s proper share.

frog in the lotus position, and agartha by meredith lady young

I bought a gift for a special someone having a November birthday. It’s a statue of a frog (about 6 inches tall) sitting in a lotus position, and it’s on a table waiting for creative wrapping with paper and pretty ribbon. Every time I look at it it cracks me up, and I think it should be mine; but no, it was bought for another. Though now I’m sensing that it should be sent to another special someone who was also born in November; somehow it seems the perfect gift for that person and not for the one originally in mind. Hmm! What to do? These feelings that come from no where are usually on target and should be honored because experience tells me that when they are it all works out.

Earlier today I took the book Agartha A JOURNEY TO THE STARS by Meredith Lady Young from its shelf, and began reading a familiar passage about brain and mind. I think many more people are comfortable with the idea of channeling (yes, channeling) than when the book was first published. It says that the brain is matter and controls “physiological function, adjustment and adaptation.” And that mind “. . . is cut free to assimilate and analyze in a totally unique manner. . . .” if we don’t recognize, learn about, tap into, and work with all that is a part of us (both the known and unknown), then all that can expand our lives will be dormant. When we listen to, ask questions of, and use all the parts of our being, taking steps in small matters to build confidence, we’ll eventually be able to utilize all that we are in all matters, having prepared ourselves for expansion.

With that said, frog in the lotus position will be sent to the birthday person it wasn’t intended for, but whose face comes to mind when I look at frog in the lotus position. Now that was easy; time to wrap and send, and run out to buy another gift for the one who won’t be receiving frog in the lotus position.

The sun is still trying to shine today. Do you feel a chill in the air? Keep warm. And let’s all of us have an exceptional day