quiet by susan cain

I found a book at Carolina Bookstore in Cuenca; it’s called Quiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. It’s written by Susan Cain. I don’t think this book could have been written any better. To read it is to have a clear understanding of what it means to be an introvert. And, if you’re an extrovert, you’ll discover things about yourself that will enhance your life; things you never stopped to think about before because you were always so busy. I’m an introvert and, for most of my life, have been surrounded by a lot of extroverts. And, so I say, If you’re an introvert Quiet will rescue you from thinking you’re a bit anti-social. And if you’re an extrovert, Quiet will enhance your life by giving you a chance to take a breather from your daily strivings. So . . . introvert and extrovert, this well-researched, wonderfully interesting, completely absorbing book just might give you both a new lease on life.

Could Quiet possibly be one of the best books extroverts and introverts can give each other – on this special day? Quite possibly, yes.

Happy Valentine’s Day and ¡Feliz Día de la Amistad! (Day of Friendship in Latin America) to all you introverts and extroverts!


bumps on the road of life


Cuenca’s Rio Tomebamba. It’s well-loved and a perfect setting for strolling.

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There are times in our lives when we need to find a way to bring us out of a bump on the road of life. Otherwise, staying too long with that bump can damage our entire day.

Those securely anchored bumps can play havoc with our thoughts, and when that happens, returning to a calm mind can be a full-time job. Uh-Oh!

When a bump on the road of life is strangled in its path without too much delay, we quickly regain our equanimity. A passage in a book, a chance conversation with a stranger, a wise teacher, even tapping into our own wise selves, can snap us out of a bumpy situation.

Ram Dass has written about one such bumpy issue. In lieu of another way, his way makes great sense, and can be used time and again. Because, let’s face it, in today’s world, bumps on the road of life happen, and a quick resolution so that we can get on with creating wonderful lives, is indeed an awesome thing to know.

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“If somebody is a problem for you, it’s not that they should change, it’s that you need to change. If they’re a problem for themselves that’s their karma, if they’re causing you trouble that’s your problem on yourself. So, in other words when Christ is crucified, he says “forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing”, they’re not a problem for him, he’s trying to get them out of being a problem for themselves, because he’s clear. Your job is to clear yourself. In ideal situations you would clear yourself within the situation, but very often it’s too thick and you can’t do that. Now, what you do then is you pull back and you do the stuff you do in the morning or at night before you go to work, you do the stuff on weekends, you do the stuff that quiets you down and then each time you go into the situation to where you have to work, you lose it again. And then you go home and you see how you lost it, and you examine it, and then you go the next day and you lose it again, and you go home and you keep a little diary “how did I lose it today”, and you saw that, and then you go and you do it again, and after a while as you’re starting to lose it you don’t buy in so much. You start to watch the mechanics of what it is that makes you lose it all the time.
If I’m not appreciated, that’s your problem that you don’t appreciate me. Unless I need your love, then it’s my problem. So my needs are what are giving you the power over me. Those people’s power over you to take you out of your equanimity and love and consciousness has to do with your own attachments and clingings of mind. That’s your work on yourself, that’s where you need to meditate more, it’s where you need to reflect more, it’s where you need a deeper philosophical framework, it’s where you need to cultivate the witness more, it’s where you need to work on practicing opening your heart more in circumstances that aren’t optimum. This is your work. You were given a heavy curriculum, that’s it. There’s no blame, it’s not even wrong, it’s just what you’re given. You hear what I’m saying? It’s interesting. Can you all hear that one?”
-Ram Dass, Summer 1989
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Let’s make it a grand day in however way we can.

by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller


Once in the head, it seems to stay for hours . . . easy singing . . .

“Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother in
perfect harmony.”

I’m wishing everyone a full-of-laughter kind of day.

This message from anita moorjani . . . about healing . . .


“Many who would like to heal themselves want to know how to go about things like “trusting in your own healing,” “letting go and allowing healing,” and “accessing your place of healing.” Are these platitudes of any use to the average person? People who want to heal their bodies need to know how to put such things into practice.

A: I don’t like to advocate a set methodology, instructions, or anything like that, because if I do, I’m only creating more dogma, and the whole point is to be free of that. I do suggest, however, not viewing illness or symptoms as “something to be gotten rid of,” like an enemy. This a fear based reaction. For me, the appearance of these symptoms is my body’s way of trying to heal me. I know that if I try to eliminate the illness with an adversarial attitude, I end up doing the opposite, antagonizing it and embedding myself deeper into the illness mind-set.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t go and see a doctor. I’m purely referring to how I view disease or physical manifestations of the body. The idea is not to obsess about it and have your days revolve around doing things for the sole purpose of getting rid of the illness. It’s actually far more productive to distract yourself and stay occupied with activities that stimulate you in a positive, creative way.

As far as I could, I’d try to free myself from needing my health to be a certain way in order to find happiness and just create joy in the moment, as though I were already healthy. Living in the present means not carrying any emotional baggage from one segment of time into the next. Every instant is unique and can’t be replicated. It’s our choice whether to carry our fears with us, keeping us stuck in illness.

You don’t have to be a spiritual guru or anything. Just make the most of every minute, living it to the fullest and doing things that make you happy, whether you have a month to live or 100 years.” ~ Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing

for different reasons, these are the things I’m pondering this week

“To embrace the power of your Spirit, it’s up to you to support rather than attack your Spirit. Remember that Spirit is not an invader, an interloper, or a lesser god to be dismissed and ridiculed. Spirit is the holy essence with all the Divine breath of life that makes consciousness possible. Understanding that is the most intelligent and enlightened discovery you can make in life. To humble yourself to Spirit is to humble your mind to its true master – your Divine nature. In doing so, both mind and Spirit enter into the Sacred marriage of mind and heart, and profound personal peace begins.” – page 68, The Power of Your Spirit: A Guide To Joyful Living by Sonia Choquette”


“As human beings we are made to surpass ourselves and are truly ourselves only when transcending ourselves.” – Huston Smith


“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein


“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.” – Bob Marley


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@paulocoelho: When we least expect it, life tests our courage. Accept the #challenge

@BradWarner: Real cooperation means being true both to yourself and to those with whom you share a purpose. You share a purpose with everybody.



It’s Monday! Ready for a fantastic week?
Here’s a tweet for us from www.soulseeds.com as we go along the day creating an outstanding Monday for ourselves and others: FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real
And more: “Fear pretends its protecting you, when actually its preventing you.”


bob olson and james van praagh


When I clicked on to www.afterlifetv.com a little while ago, there was an impressive list of videos, and when I saw the name, James Van Praagh, the medium and writer of many books, I smiled. I once saw him at a workshop, and had a feeling the interviews would be highly informative and entertaining because he has a relaxed way, is quick to laugh, and has years of experience as a medium.

Bob Olson’s easy style, and his passion about the after life comes through on every interview. He’s also delightfully expressive which makes watching fun. It’s obvious that he wants to get very clear on the subject before the interview ends, and so he always seems to leave no stone unturned. Because of this, watching and listening to him is very satisfying.

If you want to learn more about the after life, and get comfortable with it, click on and listen to the two videos with Bob Olson and James Van Praagh. I’m betting you’ll enjoy and be glad you clicked.

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From a tweet: “You are creative and powerful. Let go of your fixed ideas, change ur inner pictures, & give yourself control over your own life.” – James Van Praagh

Can you say your weekend was wonderful? And say thank you whether it was or wasn’t? Thank you either way . . . because if it wasn’t . . . “Your soul is given many opportunities to develop and expand by living through adversity.” – James Van Praagh


lorna byrne


She inspires! And the messages she gets from Angels go around the world with her as she communicates what they tell her. Seeing Angels and receiving their messages, and asking them questions, I can’t image how that must be for her.

On one of her recordings she said that she was in a hotel in the Times Square area of New York and saw the Angel of Hope moving among the skyscrapers and sending hope to the people below.

That is a wonderful message for all Americans to keep in their hearts on this Fourth of July 2013. She said that the Angels tell her that America hasn’t reached its potential yet, but it will.
“@LornaByrne: Happy 4th July! America is a beacon of hope for the world http://bit.ly/1b9GOFH”

She gets and gives lots of hugs, and wants us to open our hearts and send out compassion and love to all the people we’re connected to — and that’s everyone.

Thank you Lorna Byrne for being a messenger of hope around the world.


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A tweet: “@LornaByrne: Angels are asking me to ask you all to smile a litttle more.”



My daughter, Emi, is trying to teach me how to use twitter. I’m beginning to be aware that, to many people, using twitter is almost as easy as breathing. I, on the other hand, see that twitter page with an entirely different pair of eyes and mindset. To me twitter is like learning a foreign language, without benefit of being able to practice.

What’s the difference between “Home” and “Discover” and “Connect” and “Me”? And what’s this all about D .@ RT # +? And where to use? When to use? How to use? Why use? All the tweets I see on favoritodotcom make for exciting, inspiring, and chock-full-of delicious information. Tweeting though, not just reading, is a whole different ballgame.

I bought a book about the how-to of twitter. The next day I returned it. And when the woman at the register saw that twitter book, she said, “Don’t bother with all this social media stuff. You don’t need it. Nobody really does.” I think seeing that book somehow touched a sensitive spot in her. I didn’t ask. I have my own questions to deal with.

Along the way, you might say that I’m teaching Emi the fine art of patience because I know she’s completely baffled by the number of twitter questions I come up with. You’re welcome, Emi. LOL!

rick archer and steve m. taylor


I watched an interview with Rick Archer interviewing Steve Taylor who wrote Back To Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds. Have you read it? I would describe it by using two words taken from Emmet Fox’s writings. Back To Sanity was for me “thrillingly interesting.”

Some questions seem to not have satisfactory answers, and that certainly includes the ones about spirituality. Well, if you’re ready to hear a meaningful dialogue about the state of our world, awakening, the ego, and some other rather important and interesting subjects having to do with the human race, you’ve nothing to lose and much to gain by sitting quietly and watching and listening attentively to the Buddha at the Gas Pump interview. www.batgap.com

A short meditation at the end by Steve Taylor, and a reading by him of two of his poems guides the listener, along with the rest of the interview, to a new kind of knowing. About what? you ask. I have a feeling that if you’re reading this, you already know. www.stevenmtaylor.co.uk

The interview is long (shorter than a movie though) but if I didn’t think it well-worth our attention, mum would have been the word.

On Rick Archer’s website are many other interviews, and if they’re as good as the one I just heard, we’re in for some exceptional listening.

I hope your weekend was as lovely as mine was. Tomorrow is Monday. Let’s say Hooray! to that.

Sweet dreams.