Do you like beautiful music, gorgeous sites, comedy, drama, a true story, captivating characters, great acting?
Have you watched this movie?
all about all of us
A wide bucket of peas, once overflowing, for un dolar y cincuenta centanos. When I asked for half a bucket, the woman at Mercado 10 de Agosto shook her head. I decided to not pursue the matter. I do that a lot since it’s tricky to discuss anything when at the level of using only the simplest of words in the language. That’s okay, peas are great for snacks, in sauces, soups, salads, and they won’t spoil quickly. Especially these because they’re so fresh. The one drawback was lugging them around El Centro. That’s not a complaint though, only a fact; a bucketful of peas tend to be heavy. Am I going to complain about anything after just watching the trailer from A Place At The Table with Jeff Bridges at I think not. I’m grateful for that bucketful of peas for $1.50.(^_^)
I’m wishing you all the loveliest of evenings.
We, Michael and I, were not ready yet (although the first time doing the CLEAN program brought wonderful results), and so out of the blue Michael decided to check out the Whole Foods website, and saw that an evening discussion about the benefits of detoxing was scheduled in a few days, with a person named Stephanie. Sounds good, we thought. The first time that I went to the Whole Foods store in Richmond I was surprised at how BIG it is. There is no bumping of carts, or stepping aside to let another pass as in Philadelphia. And that’s okay; the two stores in Philly have all that’s needed.
The day came, and we’re at Whole Foods with a nice group ready to begin the evening’s session. Stephanie began, and, as she spoke, it was obvious that the session was going to be a good one. She gave us print outs; there was a lot of information on those pages. In the course of the evening, a book, The Seven Day Liver Detox, was highly recommended, and a superfood product called AmaZING Grass was passed around for all to taste. We were around ten people, and every question asked was thoroughly answered. Yes, indeed, Stephanie was familiar with the topic, and because she had an appreciation of the power of detoxing, she spoke enthusiastically about the subject with experience backing her up. On top of that, she had a wonderful smile.
We all left the session with a Whole Foods bag of goodies, and lots of food for thought. Before leaving the store, we wanted to buy some of that nutritious, delicious AmaZING Grass. But . . . it was sold out. AmaZING Grass is a company started by two men who are passionate about growing organic ingredients, and selling a superior product.
Also, I want to say that the movie The Beautiful Truth was heartily recommended.
All in all, it was a good evening. I hope yours was, too.
The holidays are here. I love the music playing as I enter shops. There’s always this marvelous merry feeling I wish we could all bottle and have the year long. Though when I see people carrying three or four shopping bags full of gifts, I tend to hope that the givers have enough in their piggy banks to allow for stress-free buying. Because buying shouldn’t lead to this: “Stress, a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. ”
Speaking of stress free, an amazing way to keep the holiday glow is to watch a movie that gives us a sense of the spiritual part of the beautiful December holiday, since it’s so very easy to forget that the holiday wasn’t created for shopping. We’re blessed because there’s another side to us, and when we take our attention away from all the enticing ads and commercials, from all the things that take our attention away from what’s really real, and place our attention on slowing down, using our intuition, using the guidance within, focusing on and remembering what’s really important, magic begins to happen.
This is what the movie The Celestine Prophesy is all about, and what it does, it does magnificently. The special way the actors play their part based on their own spiritual life and experiences, the story, the words, the scenery, the energy of many of the people involved in the making of the movie, takes the one watching away from every day thinking to a new way of seeing life. And, if we allow, can get us into the real spirit of the holiday season, and also what we humans are really all about.
And when we watch the “Special Features” part, the writer James Redfield talks of “synchronicity.” And it becomes clear that step-by-step the making of the The Celestine Prophecy is completely aligned with the story and its meaning. When we listen to the writers, producers, directors talk about the movie, it becomes clear to us that everything was in sync because of the spiritual life of everyone involved in the making of the movie. After he wrote the screenplay, James Redfield’s intention was to place his attention on synchronicity, intuition, and guidance from within to attract those directors, producers, and actors needed. He did, they showed up, and this too is a marvelous story.
There’s a big chance that by focusing on what The Celestine Prophecy and/or the book by James Redfield is saying, we can change the way we think about certain holidays if they cause stress, because with a new awareness, and a knowing from experience that there’s guidance within, we won’t feel out of control anymore. And then, most likely our usual way of handling stress will be a thing of the past. Oh, yes.
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“We wanted actors that related to all this – that were on a spiritual journey of their own.”
– James Redfield
“Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence – something that happens that gives me an idea of what I’m supposed to do next with my life. And I have to say that sometimes I will follow those guidances, those thoughts, and, in a short run it may look like I’ve made a mistake – why did I feel that way, or think that way, or say that? And then I may find out later that there’s a higher meaning to it. I had to grow through a certain experience, or I had to become a different person, in order to live out what that was guiding me toward.”
– Salle Merrill Redfield, executive producer
“One of the most amazing things about life is that when we stop controlling we open up to a whole new possibility . . . I believe that when we do that we’re led down a whole new path. We meet people we would never have met before. We experience new things that we could never have experienced before. But we have to let go in order to do that, and it’s not easy, but I believe once we do it, we embrace this idea that we’re not fully in control of our lives. Then we see a whole new turn of events happen.”
– Salle Merrill Redfield
Is there anyone who doesn’t want radiant health with lots of energy? Do you think this is a silly question? I don’t because a lot of the food we eat is chosen carelessly, and often it’s devoid of nutrition, loaded with toxins, dissipates our energy, and can make us feel and look not quite right. So, taking time to learn about the non-foods that find a way into our bodies helps speed us along on the path to health. Change can be difficult, it’s true; it can also be rewarding. Change tends to be especially difficult when we don’t have a clear understanding of the why and the how-to of it, and exciting when finally we do.
If you haven’t already clicked on to the following, there’s a very good chance you’ll be delighted when you do. Dr. Alejandro Junger sent out an eletter about a documentary film by filmmakers James and Laurentine. I think you’ll really like and appreciate it and the website
And . . . in his book CLEAN he mentioned Dr. Schulze’s website We can access many interesting healing stories from people who say they’re forever grateful to Dr. Schulze for giving them their health back. His website also is packed with possibilities that can lead us to change (not overwhelming though; I don’t do overwhelming). And . . . Dr. Schulze on his website mentioned the following
– also too good to pass over.
We’ve not a thing to lose in checking out these websites, and a whole lot to gain. All we have to do is read, learn, appreciate what they offer, and be happy they’re available. I’m familiar and delighted with all of them and trust you’ll be too.
So, let’s toast to change and to our very good health.
“Doctors who . . . parlay a mere risk factor like cholesterol into something more are misleading the public as well as themselves. . . . Thousands of people die of heart attacks every year who have ‘perfect’ cholesterol. The reverse is also true: people with horrendous cholesterol levels live to advanced old age without suffering any heart problems.” – Deepak Chopra, M.D. In “Healing the Quantum Heart” from Give Yourself Health: Thoughts, Attitudes and Your Health, available at PDF at in “Products/Services” – from Well Being Journal
Lilou mace certainly knows the right questions to ask when she interviews, and she manages to interview people from around the world who have a lot of interesting things to say. For instance, she asked all the right questions of Foster Gamble, and he spoke honestly about his life (his thoughts on being an heir to the Proctor & Gamble fortune – not what you think – though very refreshing), and he said that the things he’s involved in “move my spirit and thrill my heart” such as he and his wife’s movie, THRIVE WHAT ON EARTH WILL IT TAKE which was eight years in the making, and can be viewed in ten languages. Of course, there’ll always be people who disagree, as with the movie, which tends to make for interesting discussions. For a preview of the film, check out: If we wish to join in the movement, we can click the “solution section” on the website.
Lately I find that the movers and shakers say things that take my breath away. They are the ones who are focused on finding ways to save us and the planet, and have a burning desire to change certain systems so that they work for everyone and not for just a few. Do you agree that we’re living in a fascinating world?
As for the interview with Foster Gamble, click on Lilou Mace’s website: . I don’t think you’ll be bored, and there’s always a chance of coming away a bit wiser and smarter from having watched and listened.
Good night. Make sure your dreams are sweet.
Over two weeks of scrumptious food was savored during a visit to Alicia’s and Michael’s happy and lovely home in Richmond, Virginia, None of us had the wherewithal to lasso in the others when it came to choosing where and what to eat during the times we ate out at Richmond’s many excellent restaurants. One evening we ate at La Grotta, and were immersed in old world charm. I would definitely return; being there was a pleasure. For dessert I recommend the coconut cake. You might have to make sure that those with you have something tasty in front of them, otherwise it becomes all about sharing, and you know what that means.
After that kind of eating we agreed that once again the Clean Program from the book CLEAN by Dr. Alejandro Junger would be a delight. We were ready for the lightness and clarity that comes with the program – the juicing, the smoothies, the meals from the menu section of the book, and the suggestions for detoxing.
Also, watching the Joe Cross Film, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD (and crying for the people when listening to their stories) is an incredible incentive when wanting to change eating habits. Viewing this movie can change the way we look at food when seeing the suffering faces of people who are sick and overweight, but don’t have a clue as to how to help themselves. The film makes us understand that it’s within all of us to be able to make powerful changes, and shows what can happen when we’re open to change, and ready to take action. It’s beautiful!
And when it comes to enjoying pasta, what a joy it is to know about “WHEAT FREE GLUTEN-FREE GOOD CONSISTENT TEXTURE NOT MUSHY AL DENTE” Tinkyada Pasta. Alicia prepared a meal this way – more or less: She sautéed chopped onions in olive oil, and added lots of garlic. Other ingredients added to the big cast iron pot were mushrooms, kale, spinach, and fresh peas. Also, stirred into that pot were two handfuls of pine nuts, a sprinkling of good quality sesame seeds, shakes of Celtic salt, and twists of tasty pepper. Then the cooked Tinkyada spaghetti was mixed into those ingredients. If you like avocados, slice one and serve with nori along with the pasta meal. Absolutely delicious! Now here comes the hard part, we Americans have to try very hard to remember two words, and the two words are: PORTION CONTROL.
Let’s enjoy this fine misty rain of an evening.
“Your progress depends on your ability to eject old ideas and set opinions. You are fortunate if you have no set opinions.” – Venice Bloodworth
In her book, The Soul of Money, Lynne Twist wrote: “Mother Teresa once noted what she called ‘the deep poverty of the soul’ that afflicts the wealthy, and had said that the poverty of the soul in America was deeper than any poverty she had seen anywhere on earth.'”
On her blog, 3 Keys to Living the Life You Want, Jean Houston wrote, “. . . But now there is an open moment in history where you have the chance to tap into the soul of your purpose. . . .” and she wrote, “Most people hold on to old, limiting beliefs of themselves and our human story. . . .” and, “The third key gives you the means to break free from unconscious, habitual ways of reacting to life that were born thousands of years ago, and embrace higher ways of being for a new era. You will discover ways to move through life with ebullience in your bones and an appetite for celebration –seeing everything as an expression of the creator. You will move through life, motivated not by guilt or obligation, but by gratitude and an abiding zest for doing the things that are called forth by living out of your higher purpose.”
In the book, The Healing Power of Mind, Tulku Thondup wrote, “If we habitually dwell on and struggle with the negative side of our situation, our whole mentality, perception, and experience will inexorably become negative and filled with suffering. Seeing a problem as negative, constantly thinking and talking about how awful or painful it is, makes even minor problems insurmountably big and solid like a mountain, sharp like a knife, and dark as night. . . .”
In the book, Your Life Is Your Message, Eknath Easwaran wrote, “. . ., in order to live in inner freedom, you have to learn how to slow down your mind, bring it to a restorative stillness, and park it anywhere you like – in patience, say, or compassion, or love.”
In the movie, The Burmese Harp directed by Kon Ichikawa, are these words, “. . . Why must the world suffer such misery? Why must there be such inexplicable pain? As the days passed, I came to understand. I realized that, in the end, the answers were not for human beings to know, that our work is simply to ease the great suffering of the world, To have the courage to face suffering, senselessness and irrationality without fear, to find the strength to create peace by one’s own example. I will undergo whatever training is necessary for this to become my unshakable conviction. . . .”
In the CD, The Flowering of Human Consciousness, Eckhart Tolle said, “Humanity has come to the end of suffering. As a species we have suffered enough. To be free, no other suffering is necessary.”
In the DVD, How to Know God, Deepak Chopra said, “When we are attuned to our soul, which is the same as deeply going inward, we are able to listen in the silence to the subtle messages of wisdom and guidance. When our minds merge with God’s mind, we become aware that God is in all things – that we are eternal.”
In the book, Everyday Karma, Carmen Harra wrote, “Once you bring a problem to the surface, and face it, healing can begin. I also think that healing takes place when a person begins to put order in his life, when he restores balance. One of the most effective ways to restore balance and maintain a sense of wholeness is by resolving your karma in your daily life. You will find that restoring your karma will make you feel better and prevent many types of illnesses and physical complaints. Resolving your karma strengthens your immune system! When people get enmeshed in emotional drama, their energy field becomes vulnerable and that is when they can get sick.”
In the book, As a Man Thinketh, James Allen wrote, “Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life. Men imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it cannot, it rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstnace.”
In the book, The Advent of the Cosmic Viewpoint, Bryant Reeve wrote, “. . . But as we rise to higher levels of consciousness – as we attain higher viewpoints of life then the very laws of nature tend to change. Also, the electrical phenomena of life change, the energies of life are different, the norm of living changes. The actual realities of life are different. The limitations become fewer. The very “facts of life” change as we rise in consciousness! This is why miracles are possible. They are manifestations of higher laws which become available to higher levels of consciousness.”
In the book, Divine Transformation, part of the Soul Power Series, written by #1 New York Times Bestseller Author Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha – trained as a conventional medical doctor and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, Grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qi gong, kung fun, I Ching, and feng shui and an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China – wrote, “. . . In all seven books, the Divine has continued to offer divine treasures to every reader. Why is the Divine doing this? We are in Mother Earth’s transition period. Mother Earth’s transition is the purification process of Mother Earth. The root cause of Mother Earth’s transition is the bad karma of humanity and Mother Earth. . . . The one-sentence secret of karma is: Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life.”
I hope your day is as wonderful as you want it to be.
I’m sure it was with tongue in cheek, that she texted me, “greed is good.” I had to smile, mainly because I’d recently seen the acclaimed documentary film, I AM. Have you seen it? If you had, you’d know the reason I had to smile. I AM is a film unlike any I’ve ever seen. And right now I would like to be at the cinema watching it again because the film offers so much that a few more viewings are necessary to take it all in. The writer, director, filmmaker is Tom Shadyac, the director of BRUCE ALMIGHTY, THE NUTTY PROFESSOR, and ACE VENTURA: PET DETECTIVE.
There’s no doubt that Tom Shadyac is a very funny guy. He’s also a very serious one where some things are concerned. In the film we find out that I AM came about after the filmmaker found himself facing his own death after a very serious bicycle accident. With a prognosis he wasn’t ready to accept, he went to the ocean and sat on the sand, and proceeded to silently commune with himself. To find out what happened after that, you’ll have to see the “. . . surprisingly powerful and inspirational film” I AM.
It would take a very long time to sum up all the good parts, and write about the amazing people, in the film. And until you see it, I’ll leave you with something the filmmaker said: “We started by asking what’s wrong with the world, and we ended up discovering what’s right with it.” Also, this: “We are far grander than we’ve been told.” Perhaps you’ll want to listen to the videos on his website; they really shouldn’t be missed because, to put it very simply, he’s an awesome guy!
An unusual exit from a theater: At the end of I AM the audience, instead of filing out, began hugging. Truthfully, it wouldn’t have occurred to me to start the hugging because I’m not a huggy kind of person in public places, but at that moment, after watching the film all those hugs seemed right.