What a lovely day it is; the sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting, and 2011 is here. Are we ready for a new wonderful way to live so that we’ll find ourselves in a good place? It seems our intelligent universe is asking individuals to come forth and shine mentally, spiritually, and physically so that together we can all thrive in the world.
Happily there have always been people who have understood their connection with everything that exists, and their responsibility to look upon the universe with kind and generous eyes, and to hold compassion, love, harmony, joy, beauty in their hearts for all that exists. That’s impossible, you say. if you tell that to those who know life differently they’ll say that everyone can come from a place that’s nurturing and loving – that it’s a choice. They’ll also say it’s time in the evolution of humanity for every one of us to change the way we see the world. We need a new understanding of our fascinating world, our place in it, and the way in which our thoughts and actions affect it for better or worse. Before a new year arrives we begin thinking of things we can do to improve – once again the opportunity is ours to get away from worse forever. When that happens all that exists will benefit big time. That’s not too shabby a thought.
“. . .Every atom of your body is connected to every other atom in the universe. . .”
-taken from an essay by Nassim Haramein in the book: Transforming Through 2012
Leading Perspectives on the New Global Paradigm
Featuring 33 Authors – Scientists, Researchers, Futurists, Mystics, Astrologers, Indigenous Elders and Luminaries. . .