is it time to detoxify?

It’s impossible to get through the day without hearing or reading something about detoxifying, at least in my world it’s that way. Today aol had a blurb on Oprah’s 21-day detox, and mention of her daily posts on her blog. It rang a bell because I’m preparing for another cleansing session – the benefits are so great – physical, mental, spiritual – providing one pays attention to what’s happening by clearing time for stillness. Rushing about and carrying the same ole stress load changes the meaning of detoxifying, and tends to curtail what could be a powerful time. I say this because Emi gave me a few pages of an article in Elle, more or less about fasting and the various methods. One person said when talking about The Master Cleanser: “It was surprisingly filling, but the experience was isolating. . .” and, he continued, “And inconvenient. After the salt-water, I couldn’t leave the house for at least two hours. If you know what I mean.” And I say, of course, that’s what happens when fasting. (I have only this one page and no author or date, but it must be current if it came from Emi.)

My ideal scenario when detoxifying would be to be near the sea; walking in the water, walking in the sand, time in the sun, staying happy, meditating, attention to what the within is saying, and being grateful for the experience. And yours?

Detoxing is agreeing there’s lots to be gained from the experience, and remembering what these things are. Focusing on a specific food, or drink (like coffee. Ha!), will create an internal tug of war. The thing is that doing something for a limited time should be a snap. Right?

A lot of people don’t believe detoxifying is important. They feel in their gut that it’s not for them, and that’s fine. Theirs is a different path. If something’s pulling you toward it, however, maybe that something is from within and is trying to get your attention. Perhaps then it’s important to go with that feeling.

Know what you’re doing and why, read and research. There’s a lot out there in the market place in recent years. And there’s the tried and true, also. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

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