hanging pictures

There are things in life one should not even contemplate doing. My nice long wall proves that. There are holes above, beneath, and alongside recently hung frames. I discovered that you can’t fill in space, and hide holes, by tucking small pictures in between frames that haven’t been properly spaced. There truly is nothing like trying the same method over and over again thinking that this time it’ll be right, when in reality it’s just not going to happen.

My neighbor on the other side of the wall must be wondering: WHAT is she doing? Well, all I can say is, if only hammer, nails, and ruler were necessary, just like that, job would be done. It’s perfectly clear that there’s something called ability which hasn’t come forth in this instance.

Now I’m thinking I should take all the pictures off the wall, draw circles around the holes, put a frame around all of it, and call it a new form of art. Ahh, but there’s the matter of putting up a frame and hammering that in straight. Perhaps I should just draw a frame around the holes. That should do it, right?

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