I have been meaning to write for some time in this blog but life and other petty stuff has gotten in the way like it tends to do when you have something well intended planned. Michael and I are expecting our second baby this coming September. It is truly a blessing to welcome a child into this world. Especially as we raise our son, Sebastian, and celebrate his milestones. We know what to expect and what to look forward to with our next beloved child. With that being said…
I had no idea how different each pregnancy could be. I mean I knew it could be different but this is nuts. Let’s put it this way, with Sebastian I was basically on a “happy” drug for the whole pregnancy. This one has been totally different. I have had morning sickness, I have been sick in general, I had acid reflux, insomnia, major food aversions and I can only manage to eat small portions — I mean tiny portions at each sitting. Oh, I am grumpier too… bless Michael for putting up with me.
The funny thing about the differences are that everyone thinks I am now having a girl because of them. I am kind of in agreeance with them but I am not convinced it is because of the type of pregnancy.
This time to just be different we have chosen to wait until the baby is born to find out the sex. I think it’s because we want to have the surprise but also because we don’t care what the sex is as long as the baby is healthy.
We will find out in September! I am now in my 15th week and have a OB appt. tomorrow morning so I will have to report more next time!