People are looking at my present rental apartment at all hours of the day. I’m moving and I try to be in the apartment because, as strange as this seems, some realtors don’t always lock the door when they leave. I’m sure they’re not trying to be mischevious; simply put, they are, at times, preoccupied and feeling stressed.
I’m learning that those who ask the most questions and seem the most interested are not the ones who will eventually occupy the apartment. From my experiences in Manhattan, I understand that many people see viewing apartments as entertainment. I guess that’s okay as long as both sides are aware of this.
Some potential renters who ask a lot of questions seem also to be piecing their lives together and are in some sort of transition. You can always tell when this is so-they stray from questions about the apartment to questions about their work, or the town they want to live in, or where they’ve been.
When some people come into my apartment their eyes light up. Okay, let me explain-it’s not because it’s sumptuous in any way; it’s uncluttered-I’m a minimalist-they can breathe, there’s space to think and I try for things that soothe and are beautiful.
I have a feeling about people and places, and this feeling says that there’s a right person, for whatever reason, who is suppose to live in a certain place, and when that person shows up, no more waiting; it’s easily rented, smoothly sold. Done. Until that time, it’s a waiting game. See it as that.
“I don’t want to hurry it, that itself is a twentieth century attitude. When you want to hurry something, that means you no longer care about it and want to get on with other things.” -Robert M. Pirsing, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
“Dare yourself to play games with your day; watch, wait, listen; allow things to happen.” -Rolf Potts
“you succeed by harmonizing yourself with forces that are more powerful than you are, rather than by trying to force them to your will.” -Tom O’Reilly, Knowing When to Let Go
“In the universe there is an unmeasurable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.” -Carlos Castaneda