Eckhart Tolle writes over and over that, “The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.” This has been written in many languages, in untold ways, in areas all over the world, since ancient times. And it appears that it’s true. But the only way we’ll know for sure whether it’s true or not is to prove it to ourselves. There’s a movie, The Secret, that’s capturing people’s attention. Out of the blue someone starts talking about it. I know people who are watching it a few times a week. It’s also going around by word of mouth. It appears to have a hold on people. It sounds like a perfect bedtime movie. I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m finding it nice just to listen to the comments from people who have. Perhaps it, too, says the same things as Eckhart Tolle’s writings in that it’s proclaiming there’s another way to be in this world. Bookshops, new and used, have always had an assortment of writings by authors who’ve tried to tell us, all in their own fashion, that there’s a far better way to live in this world than the way we’ve been taught. They’re all saying that it’s time to listen up.
Eckhart Tolle’s writings are centered in the present moment, and from there he discusses the mind, and a whole slew of ways it has of taking us away from the present moment and keeping us in ego mode. Essentially, he tells us that it controls us. Again and again he takes us back to the present moment. He says it’s all we’ll ever have. When we begin to practice this present moment living, we start to become aware of what we say and how we say it. And when we find ourselves stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, we realize we’ve strayed from present moment time. He has a lot to say about the ego, the monkey mind, relationships, stress, and all the other ways we have of keeping ourselves in a form of bondage. However, we’ll never know the truth of it until we make it our own.
I think the concept of a monkey mind is great. It is so much funnier to imagine a little monkey in everyone’s mind causing worry. Monkeys are childish instigators, it makes concerns seem silly- which I suppose they are.