what has to occur?

Cancer is a puzzle to a lot of people. I wonder what people did before chemotherapy, before any treatment was available. I wonder what happens when people are unaware of having a serious illness. Down the road do they have a spontaneous healing? I’ve read about, and heard stories about, people who’ve gone on long trips after being told they have a serious illness, and returning completely healed. What has to occur for this to happen? Does one forget about the illness and become absorbed in new surroundings, thereby clearing the mind of stagnant, confused thoughts? And how is it that some are healed when undergoing chemotheraphy and others are not? Or some choose an alternative treatment and are healed, and others are not, with the same alternative treatment. Does the degree of belief in the treatment make the difference?

Chemotherapy – what exactly is it? In Canada there’s a treatment called 714x. I’ve heard good things about it, too. And there’s the Hoxsey treatment. Andrew Weil in Healthy Aging writes about alternative treatments. I’ve read of the curing benefits of Graviola. I wonder about cancer and ayahuasca. This world – it offers us so much. And then there’s the power of love. What has to occur for a complete healing to happen? Complete healings do happen. If it happens to one it can happen to everyone. We’re all “cut from the same cloth,” so to speak.

“There is nobody else like you. The more you can quiet your own thoughts, fears, doubts and suspicions, the more will be revealed to you from the highest realms of imagination, intuition, and inspiration.” -Kenneth Wydro, American lecturer

“Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that comes from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence.” -Deepak Chopra, Indian-born physician

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