some fine tuning

What does it take to live a life of joy? I’ve met people who seem to come close to having this kind of special lifestyle. Special because it’s of their own doing and it works for them, flows for them. This kind of joy is also a life lived in loving kindness and in not hurting anyone. To be in touch with our gut and to listen to it is necessary in achieving this special lifestyle. It directs and guides us. If we don’t use it we lose it. This gut feeling – our intuition – helps us to trust in our decisions, and to not be swayed by someone telling us otherwise. And when someone doesn’t approve of our choices it helps us to stay firm. What else? Well, perhaps it’s about being bold and confident in stepping out, even when afraid, because it’s a fantastic-an energizing-way to live. We’re comfortable in our own skin because we trust who we are and know ourselves as no one else does.

It’s about living in the world according to our beliefs, creativity, talents, and skills cultivated. And periodically to assess what works and what doesn’t workm and to fine tune ourselves as if we’re a work of art in progress. Basically it’s us allowing ourselves to live as we want, with all the responsibility and freedom this implies.

“There is nobody else like you.
The more you can quiet
your own thoughts, fears,
doubts and suspicions,
the more will be revealed to you from
the highest realms
of imagination, intuition, and inspiration.”
-Kenneth Wydro, American lecturer