Many of us procrastinate. It seems though that if we don’t do what’s before us to do, what’s before us to do will catch up with us – eventually. And when it does, we’ll have to deal with the things of the past, along with the things of the present. And since we’re doing in the present what should have been done in the past, we’ll not do it as well. When we work with the energy that’s there at the time, things are accomplished more easily, life is smoother. Procrastinating, brings us into a different energy field.
On the other hand, there are those times when we need to wait. However, we don’t want to confuse those times with doing what’s before us to do. You’ll know the difference. Those things that have to be done, when done, will feel as if a burden has been lifted. Ah, such a good feeling. If there’s doubt as to the right course to take, wait, become aware of signs, of feelings you have, listen. You’ll know when the right time is.
Experiment and watch.