I wasn’t looking for any information on magnesium when first it came in the form of an article in Vol.9 Issue 1 of Namaste Magazine called “The Miracle of Magnesium” written by Dr. Carolyn Dean (www.carolyndean.com). And then in “Naked Chocolate” written by David Wolfe and Shazzie. The pages of this book simply opened to the chapter on magnesium after I lifted it from the bookstore’s shelf. This twice in a short span of time means it’s time to listen. www.namastepublishing.co.uk www.carolyndean.com
Dr. Carolyn Dean states, “The only contraindications to magnesium are caused in people with outright kidney failure, bowel obstruction, Myasthenia gravis, or heart block.” She went on to write, “Magnesium deficiency triggers or causes the following conditions Anxiety and Panic attacks, Asthma, Blood clots, Bowel disease, Cystitis, Depression, Detoxification, Diabetes, Fatigue, Heart disease, Hypertension, Hypoglycemia, Insomnia, Kidney disease, Liver disease, Migraine, Masculoskeletal conditions, Nerve problems, Osteoporosis, Raynaud’s syndroms, Tooth decay, Obstetrics and Gynecology.” And she explained, in a little more detail, magnesium’s role in the the above-mentioned.
“Naked Chocolate” -so nice to read-will impress you with the amount of research that went into its writing, and, it could be, that all chocoholics will agree that the recipes are to die for. (Not that I particularly like that expression, but it works). The importance of magnesium, can’t forget about magnesium, is carefully explained in this book. www.sunfood.com
Got to do more research because this vitamin, mineral, nutrition stuff-can get complicated. And if those tablets in the bottle are not up to snuff, then not only are they worthless, they can be harmful, too.
If you want to know all about chocolate, “Naked Chocolate” is a wonderful surprise and a great way to rev up your nutrition. Don’t believe me? You’ll understand when you read it.